
joined 4 years ago
[–] kinetix 1 points 3 years ago

Yeah, CBC's doing something weird and I never really had time to look in to it in depth. I suspected that they change behaviour/response based on user agent, and I don't know if they just filter or drop things they figure are real outliers/unknowns/bots or something.

[–] kinetix 1 points 3 years ago

I already had the dedicated server, so it was easy enough to just virtualhost it.

[–] kinetix 9 points 3 years ago (2 children)

To clarify that comment - I handed over to @[email protected] as I no longer have the time to run, maintain, and moderate it. The cost for me was negligible at this point - I had it sitting on a dedicated server that ran several other things.

[–] kinetix 1 points 3 years ago (2 children)

How're things going?

[–] kinetix 2 points 3 years ago

Not sure why I didn't see this... are you interested in taking it on?

[–] kinetix 1 points 3 years ago

My setup is from scratch. Most of my moderation is spam removal:

[–] kinetix 2 points 3 years ago (5 children)

It's just a vhost on a dedicated server that I have for a bunch of things. Requires rust and postgresql - and I'm not sure how light of a server would handle it. The lemmy processes are taking up over 5GB RAM, but that's mostly due to pict-rs, and I'm not sure if it's just being lazy with cleaning itself up or not. (if I restart pict-rs it's very light)

The DB size is about 566MB presently.

Anything other particulars you wanted to know about presently?

[–] kinetix 4 points 3 years ago (2 children)

Ah, very nice! Do you have the ability to take the DB and host the service somewhere?

[–] kinetix 2 points 3 years ago

Gentoo is one of my go-to's that I come back to time and time again.

I don't mind spending my time with Gentoo as one can have very stable systems with it (as per your choosing), and if one uses a half decent machine to do all the building, it can supply more lowly machines with a current repository of binary builds.

Yes, it has it's headaches from time to time (similar to the mention above about Arch and what happens if you don't update for some time), but nothing insurmountable.

[–] kinetix 3 points 3 years ago

I was never thrilled with Opensuse. I found regardless which flavour I was on, I had to enable so many extra repositories that it eventually turned in to a mess each time.

[–] kinetix 0 points 3 years ago

WSJ sure posts a lot of garbage.

[–] kinetix 1 points 3 years ago (1 children)

Unfortunately, is broken and nobody's really interested in fixing it. Trying to get registered has been futile - you can try it yourself: but I get 500 server errors as a result.

The users # is the total number of users that have registered, yes. There's also the raw information on active users at

I think is going to be a good replacement for - have a look at for instance.


We really have far too much tolerance for these douchebags.


I know, pretty lame announcement, but I figured it might be nice to have an announcement post that wasn't just 'I updated the lemmy code again today'.

Heh, enjoy!


Happy after-Labour-Day Tuesday!

Lemmy 0.12 was released last week, and there's already been a couple of bugfix releases (part of why it's so good to have patience when a new software release that has major new features or rewrites come along).

So we've jumped to 0.12.2:

Announcement of lemmy 0.12: Announcmeent of lemmy 0.12.1: Release notes that include the 0.12.2 release:



Somebody please tell me if anyone involved in writing this thing has any understanding of how any online services work?

Updated again today (self.announcements)
submitted 3 years ago by kinetix to c/announcements

We're on the new release 0.11.0 now - not sure why the frontend is showing "BE: unknown version", but we'll look in to that.

Another test (
submitted 3 years ago by kinetix to c/test

Fulll embedding looks good


There's only like 50,000,000 sq km or so available, this is terrible.

Updated the site today (self.announcements)
submitted 3 years ago by kinetix to c/announcements

Howdy all,

Updated to lemmy 0.10.3 today, which contains some bugfixes and tweaks. Much has occurred on the back-end so mostly out of sight for regular users.

If you notice any issues, please drop me a line!

submitted 3 years ago by kinetix to c/kamloopsbc

Here's a thing to get out and do/see/enjoy (or stay home and do, too).


I've found the same with butter over the past few years. I hope this gets backed up by other sources, but if true, it sounds like high time for better regulation of this industry - if they can't make profit from selling a pound of butter for $5 (which most seem to be priced higher than that now), then something is disastrously wrong.

Updated code today (self.announcements)
submitted 4 years ago by kinetix to c/announcements

Howdy! I've just updated from lemmy 0.9.6 to 0.9.7. More info on the changes at:


It destroys me that in the middle of this pandemic, a year in, our government bodies think that they need to control messaging like this to the point of breeding distrust.

I really don't want to be distrustful of Interior Health, but when people are reaching out to the media anonymously to try to shed some real light on things - 'whistleblow', if you will - it's a little distressing.

I have heard directly from a hospital worker about them having their jobs threatened if they speak publicly. That's not how things should work, and our government bodies need to be held much more accountable for being secretive. I also believe that it should be illegal to fire someone for whistleblowing or speaking to media. If the media gets multiple people complaining about exactly the same thing, they should be able to dig for answers.

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