
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Firefox vs Chrome Desktop GNU/Linux vs Broken Windows

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

"If I learned one thing in life, it’s to never discuss anything with cult-followers." Then why are you here?

"Oh and I never claimed it “just is”. I don’t have enough data to even form a theory." Do you see how stupidly contradictory you are?

"So go back now to being a wage-slave to those who own you. Fulfill your cosmic destiny. This is what your master demands of you." Again, no substance but just personal attacks against people you have never met. I mean you have all the hallmarks of being cultish.

"I don’t work, I travel, I live every hobby that fills me with joy" Joy? You come to pick fights with people who have nothing to do with you, to feel better.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

"YOU assume life has no meaning because it’s an accident. Why does it even HAVE to have a meaning? Why can’t it just be? So your brain can make “sense” of it all? " Look at how much of an idiot you are. Everything we observe in nature nicely follows laws and have a clear design in it. This indicates the presence of an agent with the Will, Power and Knowledge to design. If everything is "just be", then we wouldn't have indulged in any human enterprise like civilisation building or pursuing science. It's all a pursuit of finding meaning. You claim everything is "just be" and have the audacity to accuse people searching for answers of being "weak"!! You seem someone who thinks too highly of himself to realise his utter stupidity.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

What a load of rubbish from someone who has read almost nothing about religion and is confused.

"Also no one’s life holds any intrinsic value at all." So why do you care if someone is "weak" or follows a cult?

"If that’s not the weakest form someone could assume, then I have no idea what “weak” even is." You have no idea of anything. Most likely, you had a traumatic childhood growing up in a religious household and have suicidal thoughts every now and then. For at then end of the day, in your "reality" you are the same as a lump of dog excrement.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

Weak? Dull? Peasant? Give me a break. In your "reality", your life holds as much value as that of a lump of dog excrement. And you have the nerve to call people "weak". No wonder, atheists never created any civilisation. After all, what's the meaning of life, when it is all a giant accident?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago

Shows your ignorance.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

No; it's not all peace. It's about truth and justice.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

So, you are just an ignorant idiot who forms opinions on things without studying it? Good for you.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago (9 children)

Yeah. That's why you are so afraid of the spread of Islaam.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 3 weeks ago (12 children)

Do you know the core foundations of Islaam? Oh wait! You don't. You come from Western so-called civilisation which has been ravaging the world for the last 400-500 years.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

It still is a call to study and join Islaam. I haven't edited anything.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 3 weeks ago (9 children)

Huh? what's your point?


Hi friends,

I have some external hard drives and SSDs, which I use with my Debian 11 machine. I normally use them through the GUI file manager(pcmanfm-qt). I tried to access them from the terminal using commands I found after searching the web, like, fdisk, mount etc. However, the issue is that I have to use sudo when using these commands and as a result after mounting I cannot make changes to my files in the drive(s) without using sudo. The only way to avoid using sudo, is to first go to the required folder in the GUI file manager and then opening the folder in terminal. Is there a way to forego using the GUI file manager completely and only using the terminal entirely to properly access my drives and make changes without using sudo?

EDIT: Someone suggested usbmount. I am sure that works, but it is not packaged for Debian. Instead, as suggested, by another person, I use pmount. It works perfectly for my needs on Debian. Thanks to all for taking the time to respond and help me with my problem.


Hi folks. I have installed Debian 12 bullseye with the lxqt desktop environment. I have run lxqt sessions on it using xfwm4, as well as i3wm, as the window manager. However, for some weird reason brave browser would not launch - neither in xfwm4 nor in i3-wm. So I tried to run the command in the shell to see what output it would produce. I have attached the image which shows the output of the command "brave-browser" in a terminal running the bash shell.

Please help to solve this problem. I love using Firefox but I also love having options and Brave happens to be one of my favourites. (In case, this is relevant, Chromium and Qutebrowser run without any issues. Only Brave is behaving in a weird manner).

EDIT: I have found the solution. One needs to add the flag --disable-features=AllowQt when running it from the command line. However, as I couldn't get hold of Brave's config file, I have just added an alias in my bashrc and made changes to brave's .dekstop file in /usr/share/applications and my i3 config file.

To the folks who posted useless comments instead of actually helping: Thanks for nothing.


So, in order to avoid typing "flatpak run", every time I need to run a flatpak program from the terminal, to have gui programs installed using nix appear in my applications menu(rofi, in this case), and to avoid typing the entire path to my .local/bin, I had added the following lines to my .profile:

set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists

if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" fi

set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists

if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" fi

for desktop entries for packages installed using Nix

export XDG_DATA_DIRS="/home/guest/.nix-profile/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS"

set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists

if [ -d "/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin" ] ; then export PATH="/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin:$PATH" fi

if [ -d "~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/bin" ] ; then export PATH="~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/bin:$PATH" fi

However, for some weird reason, I cannot take advantage of the above lines unless I am in a tmux session or I explicitly type the following command:

source .profile

Any ideas on how to fix this?

EDIT: Adding the following line to .xsessionrc fixed the issue (haven't checked for wayland sessions though).

. $HOME/.profile

#Debian #Debian11 #foss #floss #libre_software #applications #desktop #gui #nix #flatpak #flatpaks #gnu #linux #opensource #open_source #tmux #bash #profile #shell #terminal


Does anyone know how to change the fonts for apps installed using flatpak or set a default one? #flatpak #linux #tech #foss #opensource #libre_software #gnu #font


When using the Nix Package Manager on Debian 11, I have seen that it doesn’t automatically create .desktop files for GUI programs. This would have been fine if I was using nix to install one or two programs, but I was looking forward to use it a regular package manager. Does anyone know how to automate the process?


I have been trying to use (#debian) #linux with separate partitions for /home and couple of others. However, I have been facing the problem of /var becoming full and thus blocking further updates and installations. Most of the time deleting /var/log/auth.log would help but now I have messed up and can't startup lightdm and using it from another tty. Can you guys share some tips and tricks as to avoiding this problem? I know keeping everything in one partition is one such trick. Anything else? #linux #foss #gnu #free_software #libre_software #disk #operatingsystems


I don’t use #calibre for #ebook management or reading. The only reason I have it is for converting files from #epub to #pdf and vice versa. Does anyone know of any other tool which can do the same? Preferably commandline. #foss #linux #gnu #libre_software #free_software #reading #read


I don’t use #calibre for #ebook management or reading. The only reason I have it is for converting files from #epub to #pdf and vice versa. Does anyone know of any other tool which can do the same? Preferably commandline. #foss #linux #gnu #libre_software #free_software #reading #read


I don’t use #calibre for #ebook management or reading. The only reason I have it is for converting files from #epub to #pdf and vice versa. Does anyone know of any other tool which can do the same? Preferably commandline. #foss #linux #gnu #libre_software #free_software #reading #read


Hi guys, Does anyone here know what could be a good libre equivalent to Amazon's Kindle reader?

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