I had the same reaction but to give the benefit of the doubt it feels like maybe they meant comparatively to policy issues progressives seem less concerned with individual corruptions as opposed to the overall corruption of the system.
you gotta take em off every now and then or you'll blow the crotch out
This is really great little comic. Has excellent pacing in 4 panels
They literally just sell blank shirts, there is no contract involved..
Dope, reminds me of something paperblue might do
This was definitely for destiny and is similar to some of dorje bellbrooks early environment sketches for the game.
Great shape language, rim lights a bit hamfisted
Compositionally this piece could use a bit more love. The god rays are also not making much sense.
Nathan is such a great painter, really one of the legends of the industry. His landscape painting courses are great, he has such a complete understanding of color.
Easiest yes of my life. Not only do I not support how they're treating the devs of 3rd party apps but they made it easy by having the only way to browse it be their app which is basically unusable for me.
What beautiful words, wish his optimism was more true. Reality seems capitalism was able to crush his vision of the future.