In Swiss French we say « septante » (70) « huitante » (80) and « nonante » (90) which is better than counting by 20
joined 2 years ago
private void GenerateCode(){
println("private bool IsEven(int number){");
println("if (number == 1) return false");
for(int i == 2; true; i += 2){
println("if (number == " + i.tostring() + " return true";
println("if (number == " + (i + 1).tostring() + " return false";
You can find a lot of different dev boards with ESP32, like the one you mentioned. There is other with camera, e-paper screen drivers, smaller footprint (Xiao ESP32). The simplest way to program is using Arduino IDE, but I prefer using PlatformIO on VScode. GCC would work. The interface is with the USB port, which is used for COM port or for programming
I’ve just finished by Bachelor thesis with this board, next step: use it as an quantum AI robot super computer 😂