
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 years ago

I’ve just finished by Bachelor thesis with this board, next step: use it as an quantum AI robot super computer 😂

[–] [email protected] 25 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (5 children)

In Swiss French we say « septante » (70) « huitante » (80) and « nonante » (90) which is better than counting by 20


Took with a 1954 Zeiss Ikon Contaflex II and Fomapan 400 film.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago
private void GenerateCode(){
  println("private bool IsEven(int number){");
  println("if (number == 1) return false");
  for(int i == 2; true; i += 2){
    println("if (number == " + i.tostring() + " return true";
    println("if (number == " + (i + 1).tostring() + " return false";
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

You can find a lot of different dev boards with ESP32, like the one you mentioned. There is other with camera, e-paper screen drivers, smaller footprint (Xiao ESP32). The simplest way to program is using Arduino IDE, but I prefer using PlatformIO on VScode. GCC would work. The interface is with the USB port, which is used for COM port or for programming