Oh idk that
joined 2 years ago
Use shutdown -h now
or -P 0
Or just use poweroff
Password manager from proton(protonmail/protonvpn guys)
What about LIGO? Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory? Wrong.
LIght Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory
Oohh ohh ohh i see
Segmentation fault
Wow music cache would be great because otherwise its total waste of redownloading same thing. How long/how big does it keep cache for songs?
I'm not american but how exactly is making your name match birth certificate denying women's rights?
Timeshift time
Mine was both amd and i am supposed to tell it to use amd instead of amd...
That's endevour's job. Also i think they have most user friendly community after mint community