It's reasonably common.
Teams fail together, even if it is the fault of an individual. Use your voice and don't approve PRs if you don't believe they are production ready.
You seem to think a big number means a big pile of green goo. But actually...
All of the used fuel ever produced by the commercial nuclear industry since the late 1950s would cover a whole football field to a height of approximately 10 yards.
Most people dont want an OS to be different. They are happy if it boots up and does what they want to do. It's not lazy, it's an active disagreement with the premise.
This is why nobody upgrades to Windows 10 from 7, or to 11 from 10. Security risks and lack of features aside, their OS just works for them.
These things are only a concern to enthusiasts.
There a reason if the alternative doesn't exist or isnt good enough.