You topped my joke so hard you're in orbit. Bra-fucking-vo, I'm in stitches.
I dunno what songs they're singing but the lyrics seem a bit avant-garde
back in my day we just said SWIM unreservedly supports crimes.
Oh idk, fucksaws are pretty manly. Love a man that knows his way around a fucksaw.
Real men can shrug off any calibre not designed to punch through car engine blocks.
Shit, I hear that if you use enough power tools and watch enough sportsball even those liquid copper jet tank boomy things have a hard time getting through the protective crust of sawdust and testosterone.
quite frankly, if the repubs are allowed to make up stuff, so is everyone else.
Log off. Please log off, you are doing significant brain damage to yourself.
Jet fuel can't shoot steel BBs!
you need to lay off the petrol sniffing mate.
Yeah I imagine whatever your reasons it's probably a pretty stressful to carry out a suicide attack.
Idk, I live in a place where guns that look scary are banned and my interest is blackpowder and old timey low calibre target shooting /shrug
Ok look without getting into the ethics of political violence that's embarrassing.
I am a baby with rifles, having only shot like 200 rounds? but I thought it was a low calibre rifle from the sound in the video and thought "wow decent accuracy from a 22 at 100 meters!". Like I struggle to land on the target at 50 with open sights.
But an assault rifle? really?
Anyway this post was about "he is dead" being an absurd thing to say in "what we know" don't shoot into crowds kids. That's not very nice.
tf is this controversia?. If you're harvesting cells of FBS or whatever it's obvs not vegan.