Devil's advocate would say "okay, then just go make your own iPhone if apple isn't actually doing anything" but I don't really want to be defending apple, lol
🎵Conjugated estrogen junction, what's your function?
Lowering test and sprouting up breeeeaaasts 🎶
Gee, what a totally realistic suggestion
They had to lower there pay cause nobody wants to work anymore 🙄
I-is her name autumn?
Wow, so edgy and cool. But come-on, certainly there's a game you've tried out because of all the hype around it
If your reply is "well, technically...", "Well, technically", "yeah but, technically..." You may not have as great an argument as you think
It literally says "at least you're not the Cisco design engineer..."
But I would be correct, and isn't that what's most important in the world?
I mean, id pronounce them the way the creators said if they were here and specifically told me how to pronounce it 💁🏻
Contrarian when he said "choosy developers choose gif" (implying the soft g) in 1987? I think that precedes the internet debate a little
Yeah it's actally kind of pathetic. "No one is allowed to look at this if you aren't in our club." It's not like that wojak picture was even made by you so wtf are you even trying to claim, lol