@threelonmusketeers What method do you use? what time do you average?
After having a few success at ~5min I stopped doing blind. I should try again. (and maybe 4bld too?)
@IsoSpandy no idea, I don’t follow ZZ users, but eventually a lucky solve will also happen, maybe this year?
@annorax It was an already made pair that he manages to keep while placing DR at the same time. Though he could have made FB + SB 1st square in 6 moves instead of 8 if he had taken more time for inspection.
He had some luck with a 4c skip.
But almost 10TPS with a short solve, it’s good to see Roux in a sub-4
@Yukily Je confirme, y a un placement mathématique à observer : https://blog.xkcd.com/2009/09/02/urinal-protocol-vulnerability/ (en anglais, mais les dessins suffisent).
Did you check speedcubedb:
- https://speedcubedb.com/a/3x3/F2L
- https://speedcubedb.com/a/3x3/AdvancedF2L
or the speedsolving wiki: https://www.speedsolving.com/wiki/index.php?title=First%5C_Two%5C_Layers
(and their External Resources)
For SBLS, I went through the list for each configuration. Even though some are trivial, it’s always interesting to see other solutions (depending on where your fingers are for instance)
@Emanuel same (although I use Roux).
Roux is still the method of the avg record. A CMLL-skip is still possible to win back the single record :p
I hope that Sean continue to improve and became the first sub-8 avg.
@threelonmusketeers Absolutely. If he keeps going like that, he will average sub 3.8 or close. He is on fire
@threelonmusketeers I don’t either but yeah, it’s quite impressive.
I don’t think it’s luck. I’m pretty sure he can memorise the "cross" position of the other face.
@threelonmusketeers Sorry for the mistake. Max had a 3.13 single. And before him, Yusheng Du had a 3.47 solve.