This community is off to a way better start compared to what was going on on r/dataisbeautiful by the time i left.
These graphics are great! Keep them coming.
This community is off to a way better start compared to what was going on on r/dataisbeautiful by the time i left.
These graphics are great! Keep them coming.
Hawaii got fatter. I guess fewer people are going to the beach?
Don’t worry he’ll be the governor of Florida within 2 years, so he’ll be out of the senate real soon!
I’m not one to defend Poland in its current state, or whitewash it’s checkered history especially with regard to how it treated Ukraine, but…
Poland didn’t even exist for 125+ of those 500 years, as it was completely erased off the map by the Hapsburgs, Russians, and Prussians. Its neighbours have always treated Poland as a playground for proxy wars and political intrigue, and both Russians and Germans think of the Polish as yokels or shit disturbers, worthy only of subjugation or exploitation.
In other words, it’s not hard to see why Poland quickly turned into an anxiety-ridden bully. Like an abused kid grown up into a shitty adult.
A great way to slow down transport electrification is to promote alternatives to stall unification around standards.
Even if hydrogen turns out to be a better technology in the long term, unifying around a single standard for now is the best path to getting off fossil carbon. Not surprising that AB conservatives are promoting distractions.
It’s not all-or-nothing… reducing exposure is probably better than chugging 7Up cans all day long.
The casing — made to look like fancy metal — is cheap plastic. One fall on the hard floor (and it will eventually fall and hit the floor) and the casing breaks. Pretty soon your vacuum is covered in duct tape to keep it from leaking air.
These vacuums have some merit, but they are def not designed to last more than a few years.
When I wrote that, I knew someone was going to come out of the woodwork and say the highway was not technically sold, so I was trying to be careful with the wording. Not careful enough I guess. Yes, you’re right, it was the rights to a 99 year lease that were sold.
But no, it wasn’t just a lease, it was the right to a lease, which is indeed technically a kind of sale, not a lease per se. This is evidenced by the fact that SNC-Lavalin recently sold 10% of those rights for $3B, which pegs the current value of the entirety of those rights at $30B, 10 times what the Harris government originally sold them for.
You mean by Mike Harris, some 25 years ago.
We’re still reeling from all that common sense, with the amalgamation of Toronto leading to a bigger, more expensive, more inefficient, and more dysfunctional government.
And lets not forget the common sense turd that was the privatization of the 407, an absolute cash cow that generates $1B / year in profit, was built on taxpayer funds, and is now worth 10X what it was sold off for.
There is a similar rule in Ontario, but it doesn’t apply to buildings built after 2018.
This exemption was put in place as an incentive for more rental units to be put on the market (or to enrich developers and landholders, depending on your political stance).
On the other hand going to war over word use is not a good use of the left’s energy.
I understand the words are supposed to be proxies/symbols for inclusivity and respect for freedoms and charter rights, but that tends to get lost, to the point where both sides start to believe that it really is just about pronouns.
There are really big, scary things going on out there — corporatism, environmental disaster, and a geopolitical powder keg building — and I’m starting to worry we are spending way too much effort and energy on kindergarten-level righteousness.