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Det er nok ikke det det du har lyst til, men en stensikker plan B.
Få kommunen til at give dig en kodeviser?
Det er nok ikke det det du har lyst til, men en stensikker plan B.
This is not a stalemate, it's a war of attrition.
The sides will run low on different things at different times.
The democracies can definitely out-economy Russia, even without the US. It is a matter of will, and I think it's there.
It's easier with the US helping though, mainly due to their huge stockpiles. I'm with Eisenhower on the military industrial complex which is, for once, a source of hope.
Also, what Andrew says:
At the moment Ukraine takes out 20-40 Russian artillery pieces a day.
They may end up with ammo and nothing to fire it.
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@[email protected]
Shoulda let EU run the info campaign and let openai pay for it.