I think the left person got scammed
I always use Stacher. You can find it on Stacher.io
Which one you got?
I'm probably gonna get the game in a couple of months, when the bugs are fixed.
97% pure alcohol
I really should boot up Fall Guys sometimes now we still can.
Nice, we'll already know tomorrow whether it's true or not.
Would be pretty whack. October 29th makes more sense though if it would be actually announced. That's when GTA VC came out.
National Geographic in-between commercials
I use https://stacher.io/. It's a yt dl UI.
Absolutely love it. Very easy to use and lots of options.
Gamescom looking good this year.
I really hope this is true, but 512 GB seems unbelievable to me.
I'm currently holding off on buying a switch because of the successor. If it has backwards compatibility it'll be an instabuy.
Also hoping there will come a new iteration of the Nvidia Shield using the same chipset.
Same, can't wait for march to see an announcement