Oh I didn't see the Madison stuff yet I guess I am behind
You would think that after so many YouTubers sucked at apologizing and got called out they would figure out how to do it the right way. But no!
That big ass team and you couldn't get a PR person to help you?
None of this was irredeemable. Sure, it will take a significant amount of time to rebuild trust but you can choose to be transparent in response and right your wrongs.
The hubris
People who follow in the path of Satan actually do good things. Like fight for LGBT+ and abortion rights. Satan is the one that told everyone they should exercise their free will, think for themselves, have bodily autonomy, support LGBT+, etc.
Elon sold his soul to the prosperity gospel, if anything. He thinks he can do no wrong and no matter what happens he will roll in increasingly large piles of money. I would even go so far to say that he is entitled to it no matter what poor decisions he makes.
This is just Kanye/Trump 2.0. Dude has been spoiled for so long, never being told no, surrounded by yes men, told he's a genius, literally worshipped by some people... Even if he's not mentally ill that's enough to fuck up your brain.
I mean... this isn't even new. Look at his x.com days. X.com was incompetent while cofinity already had payments working between palm pilots. In 1998! X.com got bought out as a competitor, and somehow Elon was given enough control to completely fuck things up before he was fired. The only thing he's been good at is getting weird nerds (hard to even call them nerds, cause nerds are supposed to be smart) to jizz their pants whenever he says anything remotely technical sounding that doesn't even make much sense. Experts have been calling him out forever and everyone stuck their head in the sand. For DECADES! And women have said he's a nasty creep for a long time too.
It's the same shit y'all just didn't see it.
Yikes, I hope these people's entire family has some sort of protection. It's normal for them to attempt to kill anyone they don't like.
Thank you! I thought park of work reform was making the current system work for you to get the most for the least amount of work. Now suddenly that's not ok and it makes you "mediocre"?
I can be a bomb ass employee, if you give me bomb ass pay and benefits. Yes I am going to dance around you highlighting all my accomplishments cause I'm not about to do extra shit for free just cause you didn't notice.
Don't hate the player, hate the game. Silently raging instead of participating isn't hurting the company, they get to pay you less.
Still not worth using slurs
Uhhhh this is exactly how you are supposed to work? I learned that early on. Your boss isn't sitting there watching your every move. You could save the company a trillion dollars and no one would give a fuck if you never tell anyone.
No one is getting a raise or promoted cause they worked 60 hours a week. Working on high visibility projects that are easy is the secret. And if you can't get added to a high visibility project, make your projects high visibility.
Fix the work culture if you don't like it Price. Otherwise go fuck yourself.
Damned if you do damned if you don't
If you always wanted to leak your ID to a bunch of hackers thanks to poor security practices, this is a great opportunity for you to do so
Very true. Ok updated sentiment
So he couldn't present the evidence after the election and needed to break the law instead, but it magically appears after the fact for a press conference when he goes to trial
I don't disagree. Income inequality is an overarching issue in the US. As is charging monetary damages that will never be paid out. My mom was injured in a car accident by someone driving under the influence, and she had to cover all her medical bills out of pocket despite winning in court because the dude wasn't even working and had no money to garnish.
I was more talking about how it fits in with the current system, as flawed as it may be. I don't have a good solution aside from overhauling the massive income inequality in this country. People working minimum wage jobs (which are usually jobs we need for society to function!) should not be living the same lifestyle as this dude.
I mean we do multiple life sentences or life + so many years so I don't see why the same logic wouldn't apply when the penalty is monetary. It's a super high number to ensure he's paying the rest of his life, even if he suddenly comes into a bunch of money. It's intended as a warning.
I mean how much money can you put on the price of someone's life, safety, or missed future potential earnings? I think it was just a huge number to "ruin the rest of his life" as he attempted to do.
For example, the McDonald's coffee lawsuit. The coffee was so hot it melted that lady's skin together. And this was an ongoing issue that McDonald's had been warned of several times and didn't listen. So while the lady was just trying to get her medical costs covered, the jury awarded an additional $2.7m in punitive damages because McDonald's didn't listen. Punitive damages are literally money as punishment.
Paypal didn't exist before x.com. x.com and cofinity merged to create Paypal