
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 115 points 2 years ago (8 children)

Man fuck these comments. He explicitly said he wanted to ruin the rest of her life. He intentionally posted them with her full name and address, endangering her. And to ruin her chance at getting/keeping a job. Dude does deserve to have his wages garnished for the rest of his life, at least there's a cap on UNLIKE WHAT HE TRIED TO DO TO HER!

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 years ago

I don't play sports and I'm not in MENSA and I somehow manage to have intelligent conversation. And non intelligent conversations cause I'm not a snob

Hobby groups are a thing that exist outside of MENSA... And you don't have to pay for them to talk to you 😱

[–] [email protected] 45 points 2 years ago (3 children)

So he couldn't present the evidence in court to exonerate himself, but it magically appears after the fact for a press conference.... Interesting

[–] [email protected] 22 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Tesla moving back -

More people moving to CA than leaving -

2/3 of female employees would not relocate to Texas for work -

This article also talks about several large companies paying to relocate employees out of Texas ^

You have to keep in mind, the whole abortion thing is fairly new, but quickly taking over red states. Add that with your comp being lower in red states and people learned a lesson the hard way.

Rich people like money, but they like having rights and not freezing to death without electricity more. Ask Ted Cruz lmao

[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 years ago (7 children)

Ignoring the racism behind IQ tests for a second...

IQ can't measure intelligence, because even if you're smart as hell in one topic you can be dumb as hell in another. Hell, people in MENSA prove that themselves by paying YEARLY to validate their intelligence lmao. Gives me Peggy Hill "certified genius" vibes

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

That's not how medical procedures work. You don't get to go to the doctor and request whatever legal procedure you require on a whim. It's a decision made between a doctor and patient, without the government involved. AT ANY STAGE. That is the point.

Besides, do you really think someone is going to go through 8 months of pregnancy just to abort for funsies? That is "planned parenthood turns fetuses into chicken nuggets" level of delusion. You are really underestimating the physical toll taken on the body by pregnancy.

If someone got to 8 months, and they go to their doctor and discover the fetus is going to be born only to suffer and die in their arms, the government should have 0 say on how that medical decision is handled. Which is what late term abortions actually are.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 years ago (6 children)

A lot of people learned their lesson about moving to avoid income tax in the past 3 years. Surprise, a lot of rich people and businesses ended up moving back to the states they shit on a couple years earlier. Including Elon Musk who makes waaaaay more than $1m

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

If you actually read the whole story, and not just 1 sentence, there are other people who are mocking him that he condemns. Saying he should save them because he's the Messiah. He says that to one person who defends him. And you also have to keep in mind there are A LOT of contradictions in the story of Jesus' death... It is mentioned across several contradictory books not only a single line or chapter in a single book. But it's all the word of God, so their condemnation still stands even if it contradicts other accounts ;)

Which is pretty ironic cause it highlights God made the fucked up rules, and could have just saved everyone without killing his kid and making everyone suffer on earth.

Some more examples of right wing Jesus... if you bother to read more than 1 sentence

Matthew 21 - Violence because people do not worship "the right way"

Matthew 15 - racism, advocating killing kids for disobeying

Matthew 24 - cut up servants into pieces for disobeying

Matthew 8 - killing a bunch of pigs for no reason? (this is more him being a dick but still lol wtf)

John 3 - again rebuking people for different beliefs

Matthew 12 - rebuking people asking for evidence to believe him

Matthew 10 is like the #1 right wing Jesus verse IMO

  • telling disciples not to interact with other beliefs/races

  • telling them he was there to divide the earth and families not to bring peace

  • talks about abandoning all the people that believe differently

  • must abandon your family to be "worthy"

Matthew 5 / Luke 16 are what people use to justify the old testament laws still apply. Which yes includes buying humans as slaves!

People act all surprised about the Bible being used to justify slavery and segregation and it's like.... It's right there dude it doesn't need to be manipulated. On the contrary I remember a lot of the Bible, just not the single happy lines people repeat all the time

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I love how you care so little that you came here to argue with people about it lol

I have never purchased anything from YouTube reviews, I don't even buy computer parts

[–] [email protected] 26 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Is it just drama for consumers to be aware of the potential risks when purchasing something? Do I just love drama if I write a bad review for a bad product?

The point of Gamer's Nexus is to review shit.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 years ago (2 children)

My favorite part was when they brought out their tech experts and they had to question if it was a Windows computer or not LOL

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (4 children)

I was a Christian for 20 years. The problem with this argument is that it's ignorant of what the Bible actually says. Sure, Jesus was less of a dick than his dad but there's still plenty of instances where Jesus was also a dick. Even on his death bed (cross?) he condemned 2 people next to him to hell for being mean to him! And he spent a lot of his time on earth not being very friendly to any other religion or any other interpretation of his own religion.

And the other issue is that the Bible is INTENTIONALLY vague so that the people who wrote it to have power over others can make their followers do whatever they please at that moment. Some denominations believe the old testament is completely moot now, while others think only certain things still apply, while some think only the dietary restrictions were overrode by Jesus. ALL of those are biblically supported because the Bible is vague as fuck.

The problem with this argument is that it assumes there is only one correct interpretation of the Bible, and anyone who disagrees is intentionally ignoring parts or hasn't actually read it. That's not how any of this works. The Bible is intentionally vague, full of contradictions, and has a lot of fucked up shit people who haven't read it fully don't know about. There has been a huge push of "the Bible actually says you should be super nice to everyone" when that's not true at all.

There's a reason people who read the Bible on their own end up giving up Christianity, and it isn't because it's about how Jesus was a chill dude that loved everyone.

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