It doesn't have to do with Star Trek. That's just the name of the Lemmy instance that uploaded it. The community it's uploaded to is [email protected].
Every day the reckoning will be worse than it would have been the day before. That's why it should be planned and not A) ripped off like a bandaid or B) have it fail on its own.
Right now the government is doing practically the opposite and reassuring and strengthening the bandaid despite the inevitable need for it to come off.
I get it. I'm also on board with UBI. Hell, I'm even a vegan that isn't calling for an immediate end to all subsidies for the ag industry even though a vast majority of it is in support of a practice that I believe to be highly unethical and horrendous. But I get that it can't change overnight, but that doesn't mean to keep kicking the can down the road either.
The human cost then will be more than the human cost now. It just will be "future" humans instead of the current ones so they so keep supporting it and making it someone else's problem.
The industry got too big and too reliant on subsidies. A reckoning will occur at some point, it's just a matter of whether it's announced ahead of time or surprises everyone.
You can make plant-based cheeses. And some of them are pretty good. But they lack all of the same properties. Like, you can get a cheese that that when hot will stretch a little bit like the cheese on a pizza, but as it cools off it loses all of that elasticity and is not great for lukewarm pizza. You can get cheese that is pretty decent for lukewarm and hot pizza, but it doesn't have that stretch. It more just rips apart. And you definitely don't have the span of "flavors" of cheese or whatever you'd call it. Some of the big ones, sure, but again, they don't have all the same physical properties.
I don't mind the loss of those properties, but many people do.
Cheese isn't a great source for protein compared to beans in regards to price though.
Honestly, I think we subsidize the dairy industry simply because they've been lobbying so long. Meat is subsidized too. It's the one market that the conservatives are fine with ignoring the mantra of "free market" and support regulating the hell out of it in whatever way supports the "farmers" (big farm is nothing like the labeling suggests and is all headed by big guys in suits who likely never have been on a farm in their life).
They'll never include it as it needs the headphone jack. Unless they expect a huge market for radio, that is big enough for them to offer a mea culpa and give back head phone jacks, it's never going to happen.
Would people love to get headphone jacks back? I'm sure. But I don't see the market being there to get companies to give in on that.
Do these chips have AM radio? Otherwise it's not that useful for emergencies.
I'd rather a wind up radio for emergencies as opposed to wasting the battery life on the one thing I can use to call for emergency services.
Edit: also, who uses FM in emergencies. You want AM radio for that.
The shows don't really exist anymore. At least not in my area. Well over a decade ago they were all replaced by playlists and commercials.
Who is listening to music on the same headset while making a phone call?
And why use your phone's onboard DAC at that point if you want quality headphones?
You can still use a wired headset if you so wish with your $3 connector. But when someone wants wireless, it's nice to have the option.
I don't blame Fairphone trying to make their product less expensive to produce. It's not like they're the biggest sellers in the world or benefitting from economies of scale as much as other companies.
I didn't say a USB headset is inherently better. The one on your phone isn't inherently better either if you're using a 3.5mm jack either. So the argument can work both ways. And to be honest, no phone really has amazing onboard DAC, and especially not the Fairphone.
Dairy milk is gross. I stopped drinking it nearly 15 years ago. I wasn't vegan or vegetarian at the time. It just tasted awful. I still would eat cheese than, but as a drink, dairy milk is plain awful. It's also terribly inefficient. It's not shelf stable. It has a short lifespan. It requires a lot of water and energy per cup than many others.
Do plant-based milks taste exactly like milk? No. But they don't have to.
And how is it better for us? Considering a majority of the world can't digest it is a big sign as to why plant based is better. Soy isn't the only option. There's almond, pea, banana, cashew and coconut to name a few.