Wine is the shit. Just dont call it an emulator.
Unfortunately in America he is to rich and most of the police are on his side. Some who work forces...
Exactly, they do it every time because it's not like they are going to get charged with fraud and money laundering. They should all be RICOed
How can you copywrite something that you copied? I'll wait for an answer.
Conservatives don't think, they just blatantly follow the next wolf in sheep's clothing.
Lol, the idiots and sycophants that still use it deserve everything that they're getting.
Lol, you purchased an OS but they get to choose what can be installed or uninstalled for you. Nah, fam I'll stick with linux. This is also the reason I don't buy new phones anymore.
Kemp ain't no better. He is an asshole too
Fuck this spyware and ad platform because it's certainly not a web browser.
Wall Street and constant corruption go hand and hand.
Nature is so freaking dope
Shhhhh, the oil/gas and nuclear lobbyists don't like this. Of course it's less expensive you don't have to store the by products or spent fuel rods. It's way better for Mother Earth too. I got to log off now I hear the investors coming.