Is this guy stupid? Yes he is.
Me too!
I hope you have a nice day! I said what I said. Both parties work for the rich!
Russia is a terrorist state. You just won't hear it on the Manipulation Stream Media because the leadership is white.
If the fine is lower than the profits made from the crime. Then it's not a fine, it's just the government getting their cut.
I haven't touched a Blizzard game in years and won't start now.
It's the new tactic of Republicans act like Democrat to get elected then switch parties. I can't blame them when the Democratic party allows these people to run.
Both parties don't work for the American people. They work for Wall street, Corporations, and the rich.
This is just a GOP propaganda hit piece. The DOD does need a audit, but don't act like it all went to Ukraine.
After she robbed the American people for 4 years and yet still not even arrested. There is no TRUE justice in this country.
World Governments unfortunately in a nutshell.
Most of all Manipulation Stream media is owned by Corporations and the 1 percent. So tell me I'm wrong.