You are completely discounting accidental racism. Every person at every level involved could have had no bad intentions and still have the sum total be so.
All that said, you didn't mention the actual problem with the movie that led to the commentary... total shitty dumpster fire levels of writing.
George Lucas has always been clear that a major influence on Star Wars was old serials like Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon. You know what was extremely common in those old serials? Racist stereotypes for villains and racist stereotypes for side kicks, also often cartoonish buffoons.
Again, not saying he was intentionally racist, but with the lack of quality writing skills, it's clear he fell back to tropes from his favourite stories from his childhood. Those tropes usually horribly racist. A better writer could have done better with those tropes.
I never got cigarette. More notes of a dog's rancid ball sweat.