
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Its not about the PHYSICAL book. Go ask any muslim if there is ANY situation where they would find it acceptable to burn their holy book in such way that guy did. And if he did it to "make it obvious there is something fundamendally wrong" why didnt he then MAKE IT OBVIOUS WHAT IS WRONG? Lets say that was his goal, then he failed so spectacularly words fail me.

I truly dont know what else to say about this if you still dont see what I mean.

And its not nice trying to frame what I said as apoligism or blame shifting. But if you TRULY think so then maybe you should back your arguments with facts instead of throwing words and hoping they stick. I know I can make mistakes and how else can I learn from them than if other people correct me. But i'm pretty sure i'm not wrong about this, but its not good to be blinded by your own surety.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 19 hours ago (9 children)

What other possible reason would someone have to burn a book that is to some more important than their life. Either people dont care about it or become enraged. And just because you have right to do something doesnt mean you should. His actions have caused a lot of harm, also most likely his own death too.

For argument's sake, lets assume he had some positive reason for his actions. Has there been a single positive thing that has come from this? If you want to do good you need to think the consequences through and if you dont then you shouldnt do anything at all.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 20 hours ago (15 children)

the man wanted to incite hatred, show him middlefinger by doing the opposite

[–] [email protected] 2 points 21 hours ago

there is slight difference in meaning

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago (2 children)

or rather, rules for thee but not for me

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago (4 children)

rich are doing it too though

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 day ago (1 children)

there is nothing forcing you to keep using google though

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Oh my god, that is such stupid detail to get hung up on then. There are actual problems with it like censorship and consequent potential untrustworthiness of the answers and THIS is what they decide is the worst thing.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

i hope someone will make decent model that isnt controlled by china or america. But at least this one managed to deal decent hit to those greedy fuckers.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (2 children)

maybe they harvest passwords on the side?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Eniten tässä vituttaa se, että tuota ei voi oikein kritisoida niille jotka tuota paskaa käyttää. Nalkuttamalla ei saa ikinä mitään positiivista aikaan ja tuon ongelmiin vetoaminenkaan tuskin auttaa sekään. Vielä pahempi nuorten suhteen, koska niiltä vastaus mihin tahansa argumenttiin on kuitenkin "ei kiinnosta".

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Well, its okay to make some money from others labour, as long as its fair. But way it currently works, that some business owner gets majority of the value of someones work is not okay. That is just benefitting from being on stronger position than someone else and ultimately isnt much different from taking from someone by force. Its not like you can refuse to participate as people need to have money to live.



What most useful guidebooks or other information focused books do you know?


I need some advice regarding which distro to choose. I tried installing fedora workstation on my laptop as test and it seemed quite annoying to get the user interface right.

I dont mind the technical differences, in fact i'm looking forward to them as linux is more secure and better designed.

The problem i'm having is that i want the good things from windows desktop. for example; tray icons, being able to control filesystem easily with gui, shortcuts on desktop.

Every distro i have tried or seen has been really basic regarding this out of the box with very little customization options. I prefer not having to download million extensions for every little feature that might stop working at every major update or if developer doesnt feel like continuing.

I also would like to be able to easily backup customization settings so i dont have to do everything again if i need to reinstall. I like being able to easily customize everything so having a lot of settings is good thing for me.

I read somewhere about kde plasma and screenshots seemed promising and downloaded kde fedora. Haven't installed it yet but am I on the right track for what i'm looking for? Are there other even better choices? I'd like to nail this from the start so I dont have to reinstall later. I really dont want to wade through every possible distro.

Thank you all, you have been big help



I downloaded some pdfs from there and according to virustotal and some pdf online scanner i tried, they have something possibly malicious going on in them. I already deleted them but i opened them in firefox pdf reader. I dont have acrobat installed.

Scanning my system with malwarebytes now, but nothing is finding anything wrong and I havent seen any suspicious activity.

Here is the analysis itself.

I'm starting to panic, please help if you have any advice

Thank you all, you are wonderful people


There used to be some application named vigilante that had alert when microphone or camera was activated. Then it's dev stopped updating it and that was that.

I know android should show some small icon when camera or mic is active, but that doesnt help me if i'm not actively looking at the screen at the time.

Do you know of anything that could still do what vigilante did? I'd prefer to know if something was trying to be sneaky. Or is it pointless even trying to do that due to something?


Previously I was looking for search engine that turned out it wasnt worth remembering afterall. As people helped, i thought its easier to just list every site its not. The site I was looking for turned out to be maintained by some rightwing assholes, but I thought maybe it could still be useful as it collects scrapers from many engines into one site. But since it apparently blocks lqbt domains, its basically worthless since who knows what else it blocks. Apparently anything those fucks touch is tainted.

I tried describing the site based on what I remembered and how it appeared to me. now it feels shameful even leaving it as context. The picture gets conveyed through the comments anyway for those interested.

I'm sorry it ended up like this, I should probably have done this much eariler and not give the site any benefit of the doubt.

So, instead lets make this into list of search engines so this post might have at least something positive about it. I already started gathering the list earlier as by product of the unfortunate search. It might be better to just scrap this all and start with new post but it would also erase what happened and the lesson learned.

I know there are lists already, but I dont think they all have every engine, especially smaller or newer ones. We could also gather information about engines' maintainers, stuff that helps determine what to expect from them. I'll try gathering it here on this post from the comments and if I find something myself.

Lets avoid all ai searchers since those ought to be in their own category anyway.

List of search engines

  • bing
  • kagi
  • yacy
  • searx
  • brave
  • ecosia
  • mojeek
  • duckduckgo
  • marginalia
  • startpage
  • giburu
  • yippy
  • qwant

Is there some way to really know when you microphone is being used on android 13? I know there are notifications for it if applications are using it and it might even display some icon, but that doesnt really help if the phone is in my pocket.

In f-droid, there used to be application called vigilante that did this, but it's development was discontinued because apparently its features are part of android itself now, according to its github page.

I also don't know if the system itself can be trusted to always tell me. I started thinking about it more when I noticed that google play wants to update some 'qualcomm voice assist' application that was installed without my permission and isnt even displayed on the list of applications. I also cant modify its permissions so i have to assume it has permission to do anything.

So is there any program or anything that lets you know when mic is recording and maybe even if phone is transmitting that information, even if android itself isnt telling me about it.

I wish i could just install some better operating system, but that isnt an option for me at the moment.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Thanks to reddit becoming such a shitshow, it pushed so many people to lemmy. I know all this has existed for a while now, but with all the users now its really wonderful. Also many people likely wouldn't have known to come here if they weren't leaving reddit first.

Now, I was never that active in reddit and it probably had started to go bad even before I joined first time so I likely dont have enough context to properly compare, but so far lemmy has been so much better than I have seen reddit be even before it really started to go downhill.

I think lemmy will also be better than reddit could ever have been.


I hope this time it wont burn down


Is there any way in firefox to completely remove shorts shelf from youtube? Some extension maybe?

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