I remember when I was younger and would lay on my back throwing a baseball up in the air and catching it, that I could watch it go up and not follow it with my eyes as it goes down and still have my hand in the right spot to catch it
Now I ask ya. Would you give a fuck what kind of pants the son of a bitch who shot you was wearing?
I remember opening my PS2 to clean like a quarter inch of dust off the laser. And then losing money when trading it in to GameStop because the seal was broke
He tried to sell us a two week timeshare, and we took that idiot for FOUR weeks haha
At that point, I noticed that Big Dick was actually an 8 story tall crustacean from the protozoic era.
The ones around here, everyone just slows down getting to that intersection, and then picks up speed again after crossing through
I am outraged at the lack of photo evidence of how Bucky drinks water
The two started updating before you could read the end of the comic strip
All wrong, all wrong, all wronggg
I wish it wasn't
"who's gonna be dumb enough to use pieces from different puzzles?"