
joined 2 years ago
[–] rivalary 3 points 2 years ago

There's also the WiFi roaming sensitivity settings that I know at least Intel adapters have. I recall it being on the client side, but I'm definitely no expert.

[–] rivalary 2 points 2 years ago

I roll with an ad-blocker for the reasons you mention as well as because I hate seeing ads. I know I'm part of the problem and part of the reason news sites are putting up paywalls now. Granted, even if nobody used ad-blockers, I'm not sure how sustainable everything online being ad-supported would be. The point is, they are expecting to be supported by ad revenue and I'm likely helping to screw that up.

It's something that I'm not going to stop doing, but I don't make any excuses: I'm pirating their shit and rarely offering a different form of compensation. I'm subscribed to YouTube Premium even though I can easily block those ads too. I'm not, however, going to throw money at every website I find useful.

I would advise anyone to run an ad-blocker but they should also consider the moral aspect of it too. I don't know what the solution is, but I'm a pirate in the meantime.

[–] rivalary -3 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Ad-blockers are technically piracy. It doesn't matter how unfair the ads are, they are what fund the creators (or the creators through YouTube). I don't seem to recall him berating people for ad-blocking, he just said that people should accept that they are pirating the content. I guess people don't like self-reflecting when they are labelled.

[–] rivalary 16 points 2 years ago (1 children)

At the time, I hated using these things. Mac OS 9 would lock up unexpectedly (generally Windows wouldn't blue screen while simply typing up a document whereas these iMacs would just freeze, requiring you to stick a paperclip into a hole like ejecting a CD drive manually). The keyboard was terrible, mouse was worse and the speakers were only good to play notification dings.

This author of the article has some real rose-tinted glasses.

[–] rivalary 1 points 2 years ago

This poor woman. Everything about this is horrifying.

[–] rivalary 11 points 2 years ago

I was thinking, "They can't be referring to the 2020s because that's the future." Oh shit.

[–] rivalary 8 points 2 years ago

That's a strange existence. Can't say that I can relate.

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