I work with a guy who suddenly developed this in the middle of a call. I had to help him back to the office, stopping so he could puke a couple times. He was gone for a while and I don't think he ever got rid of it.
My wife and I used to play everquest back in the day and I've been trying to get her to try New World with me but we're just too busy nowadays.
Those are pretty crazy. Written by Chris Barnes, apparently.
What does Cannibal Corpse say? Other than stuff like I cum blood.
22-23 is where I'm comfortable.
Unless it's broken where the hands are completely missing.
Is this AI generated? She seems to be missing a hand.
Sorry, I was mainly trying to say, "Good job, it's impressive!" Your name is close to the name of a famous magician, so I was referring to your code as magic. Bit of a dumb joke.
Maybe simple to Chris Angel and his magic.
Clickbait title doesn't say what the feature is and says it's being removed for all players, not just disabled by default.
Thanks! Subscribed.
They would still pretend. And, though it would solve a lot of problems, it would remove purpose for so many people.