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Brittni De La Mora was one of the most successful women in the porn industry—until one Bible verse stopped her in her tracks.

Moved by Scripture, she stepped away from the fame and fortune she’d built, choosing instead to follow God. It meant leaving behind the life she knew for something entirely new. Now a wife, mother, and ministry leader, Brittni’s shedding light on the porn industry’s harsh realities and guiding others toward freedom.

Check out Brittni's ministry: https://www.lovealwaysministries.com/ Brittni's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brittnidela...

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Blauwe Tijger Willem Engel Jeroen Pols


Wet Transparantie en tegengaan ondermijning door Maatschappelijke Organisaties : WTMO

Feb 12, 2025 Mag je in dit land nog denken en zeggen wat je wilt? Of leven we inmiddels in een politiestaat waar grondrechten, rechtszekerheid en vrijheid van meningsuiting in het museum staan? Als deze vragen je al slapeloze nachten opleveren, kijk deze video dan niet! Het betoog is gehouden tijdens de raadsavond van 11 februari 2025 namens fractie Hart voor Horst aan de Maas. Wil je wel op de hoogte blijven van nieuwe bijdragen? Abonneer je dan op dit kanaal. Alvast hartelijk dank! 🙏🏻

Loyaliteit en trouw aan instituties Hij citeerde uit het wetsvoorstel: ‘Bij extremisme kan het gaan om activiteiten die wetsovertreding betekenen, maar ook om activiteiten die weliswaar niet onwettig, maar wel onwenselijk zijn vanuit het oogpunt van de democratische rechtsorde’.

En verder: ‘Onder problematisch gedrag wordt verstaan gedragingen van personen of groepen die voornamelijk binnen de grenzen van de wet vallen, maar tot aantasting en ondermijning van de democratische rechtsorde kunnen leiden’.

Nog een citaat: ‘Een democratische samenleving floreert in een vrij en veilig klimaat als er sprake is van basale loyaliteit aan de publieke instituties die deze vrijheid en veiligheid beschermen’.

Rozendaal: “In wat voor soort regimes wordt dit soort loyaliteit en trouw aan instituties van mensen gevraagd?”

Geloofsbelijdenis aan de wetenschap In het wetsvoorstel worden mensen met extremistische denkbeelden omschreven als ‘mensen die systematisch aanzetten tot wantrouwen tegen instituties als wetenschap, rechtspraak of journalistiek’.

‘Extremisten’ kunnen dit doen door ‘het zaaien van twijfel over zaken waar binnen de wetenschap weinig onenigheid over bestaat’.

“Tegenwoordig moet je dus geloofsbelijdenis afleggen aan de wetenschap die door de overheid is goedgekeurd,” constateert Rozendaal.

Politiestaat “Waar zijn we in hemelsnaam in beland? Rinkelt uw alarmbel al? Deze beleidsteksten zouden niet misstaan in een politiestaat, toch? Glijdt Nederland niet in rap tempo af om een soort politiestaat te worden? Zijn we aangekomen in een situatie waarin onze overheid het gedachtegoed van mensen inmiddels openlijk denkt te mogen controleren?”

bron: https://www.ninefornews.nl/horrorwet-in-aantocht-koude-rillingen-lopen-mij-bij-lezing-van-deze-publicaties-letterlijk-over-de-rug/



cross-posted from: https://lemmy.staphup.nl/post/88650

Zett’s story is unlike anything you’ve ever heard. Born into a world where crime and the supernatural collided, she grew up surrounded by exorcisms, witchcraft, and spiritual warfare. From witnessing demonic possessions to facing dark forces firsthand, her life was a battlefield between good and evil.

But when the darkness threatened to consume her, everything changed. A powerful encounter with Jesus shattered the grip of the enemy, turning her from a victim of the occult into a warrior for truth.

In this chilling testimony, Zett exposes the dangers of the occult, the deception of darkness, and the undeniable power of God’s grace. If you’ve ever questioned the reality of spiritual warfare, this story will leave you speechless.

📺 Follow Zett on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@zettespinoza

🙏 Special thanks to our partners: Tina Marie, Kiruba Fleur, Delvin Reed, Gabriela Martinez, Jacqueline Ewing, Stephen Allen, Abby Matthews, Angela Emerson, Hezekiah Williams. Your support helps share these life-changing testimonies!

Soft White Underbelly Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W30a0dbt7A&t=1362s

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Check Out the Next Episode with Louis Wall! 👉 Watch here: https://youtu.be/4J0LEBTn1ak

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cross-posted from: https://lemmy.staphup.nl/post/92181

4 Mar 2025 #autoimmunedisease #covid19 #covidvaccine Are COVID-19 vaccines linked to autoimmune diseases? Many people have reported unexplained symptoms after vaccination, raising concerns about potential immune system reactions. In this video, we dive into the latest scientific research on COVID-19 vaccines and their connection to autoimmune disorders, exploring whether there’s a real risk or just misinformation. We also break down Post-Vaccination Syndrome (PVS) and the key symptoms you need to watch for.

If you’ve been experiencing unusual health issues or are curious about the vaccine’s impact, this video is for you. We’ll go over what experts are saying, possible long-term effects, and what this means for your health moving forward.

Subscribe to my newsletter through my website www.myautoimmunemd.com where I send out information on news on rheumatology, autoimmune disease, and integrative medicine!

Make appointments here: www.drlifestyle.org Autoimmune Website: www.myautoimmunemd.com

My clinic is located in Newport Beach, California. I see patients virtually throughout USA and worldwide.

Facebook: / myautoimmunemd
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myautoimmun... Tiktok: / myautoimmunemd

  • 0:00 Intro
  • 2:29 Unexplained Symptoms
  • 2:49 Scientific Research
  • 3:33 Can the Covid-19 Vaccine Cause Autoimmune Disorders?
  • 3:55 Post-Vaccination Syndrome (PVS)
  • 4:21 Signs and Symptoms of PVS
  • 5:05 What This Means For You!

#covid19 #covidvaccine #autoimmunedisease


24 Feb 2025 ✪ Members first on 23 February 2025 Almost False Podcast After years of feeling broken, Rebecca Lemoine turned to ayahuasca in search of healing. What she didn’t expect was the wild journey of spiritual exploration that followed. After participating in nine ayahuasca ceremonies, Rebecca shares what the experience is truly like and recounts the profound moments she encountered during her trips. She also talked about her experience in the new age as someone who was trying to reach enlightenment and Christ consciousness. She tells her story to educate others about the true nature of these things, and to be a warning to all those who are making the same mistakes she once did.

Extra Content ► https://almostfalse.net/podcast/episo... Guest Info ► https://almostfalse.net/podcast/episo...

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  • 00:00 - Trailer
  • 01:02 - Why Ayahuasca?
  • 03:42 - Mother Aya Encounter
  • 15:04 - Christ Consciousness
  • 24:52 - Who is the Real Jesus?
  • 34:14 - Truth Awakening
  • 46:04 - Finding True Peace
  • 51:13 - Final Message

DISCLAIMER: Almost False is a podcast dedicated to telling the stories of people who might not have the platform to do so. We do our best to ensure that the stories being told on the podcast are true but it is ultimately your responsibility to judge whether or not that is the case. Any views or opinions expressed by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the Almost False Podcast. Some of the stories presented might be graphic or contain adult content. Viewers' discretion is advised.


Live gestreamd op 21 feb 2025 Shen Yun Performing Arts, the world's premier classical Chinese dance company, holds a press conference at 1:00 p.m. ET on Feb. 21 to respond to the Kennedy Center bomb threat on Feb. 20 and reveal what's behind it.

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20 Feb 2025 Tim Lasebnik has a story to tell that couldn’t be told for 47 years. The wounds were so painful that even thinking about it was too hard until he met Jesus one night at a camp.

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25 Nov 2024 #christianmotivation #gospel #christianity Hi, my name is Denis. In this video I share with you one of the biggest lies I believed before becoming a Christian. As someone born in to a muslim family, I was taught that in order for me to enter heaven, I would need to perform enough righteous deeds that would give me access into paradise. However, while I was striving to become a "good person", to do "good works", I always had the burdensome feeling of not being enough. No amount of good things I did made me feel closer to God, nothing gave me the assurance that I was going to be in Heaven. I was troubled, anxious, scared, and thought maybe it was because I have not done enough.

There was something missing, and I was not going to be able to find it on my own. There was nothing I could do to fill the void, until I met Jesus. He revealed to me that I was believing a big lie, if you do enough "good works" this means God will approve of you to be in Heaven. After realizing the deception, I had a question... What must I do?

#christianity #Jesus #bible #faith #islam #muslim #testimony #convert #amen #christianmotivation #philosophy #christian #purpose #god #godisgood #mindset #gospel #conversion #islamic #jesuschrist #spiritual #spirituality #christ


Former military officer here, and what you’re saying is 100% right. Sexual deviancy, infidelity, and overall disgraceful behavior was common place. The very officer that’s reading private Joe snuffy his article 15 is the same one who’s partying off post banging prostitutes. I’m so glad I ETSd when I did bc having no morals is the only one to survive.

@Lee Medlin Thank you for your honesty. The majority of the 20+ year career servicemen are "born-to-be" Masonic groomed agents. They'll have the Kabbalah gematria coding in two main ciphers: 33, 39, 47, 51, 57, 74 & 93. There's many other numbers and ciphers that they use but this Masonic global network can be identified. Another common factor in this network is their blood type mainly they're "Rhesus Factor Antigen" carriers. This is a fact and I have studied thousands of cases. I'm sure (((they))) made it hard for you to consider making the military service a career, and you got out like any honorable person would. You should run the gematria on the names of people you remember that flew through the ranks..., and use all the 25+ ciphers. There's about 2-15 satanic pagan ciphers they use coding these Masonic-Jesuit Criminal Network "born-to-be" groomed agents. I have not found one person yet that's not a coded Masonic agent that receives a retirement pension from the U.S. Military..., not a one.

Public Domain video of the Kay Griggs Interview (1998) by Rick Strawcutter. This is the first of two interviews and testimonies of Kay Griggs.

Kay Griggs was a military wife who learned way too much about her husband's job. Her husband would drink too much and he started talking openly about the real workings of the U.S. military, leadership training, drug-running and weapons sales, and the secret worldwide camps that train professional assassins. His stories were about murder, corruption, assassinations, and government lies. After he disappeared for a short time, she began receiving threats and decided to tell her story.

Kay is a professing Christian and was married to Marine Corps Colonel George Griggs in the late 1980s, who raised to an influential position as Chief of Staff. She came to realize that he was entirely mind-controlled. He abused and battered her when he drank.

These unedited interviews with Pastor Rick Strawcutter of Adrian, Michigan, were conducted in 1998. Kay reports of world events and our current global scenario.

Source: (Public Domain) Historic Educational Interviews

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research and entertainment. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago


She's not the only one either. Anneke Lucas is also a survivor and has multiple playlists with survivor interviews on her channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RealWomenRealStories/playlists

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

@7:46 https://youtu.be/V_g62dulpJU?t=466 "Quantum Consciousness initiative" CSI

..inducing spiritual experiences more vivid than the natural ones..

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

More UAP's happening..

News Nations' Rich McHugh reports "50 drone UAPs coming straight from the ocean" and look like "single winged craft that are 8-10 feet in length" #NewJersey
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

As Brandon prophesized; UFO/UAP reports are covered on MSM more and more..

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)
  • 👍Reminder of Merck's Mectizan(ivermectin!) donation program since 1970's to fight river-blindness in Africa:
    • mectizan.org

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

⚠ Some education why to distrust this publication

(As someone else wrote)

  1. Vaccine safety should be compared to the disease. Considering covid-19 is known to influence thrombotic events (https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7931726/) it is bad science to not compare this(lie 1).

  2. This layers on to not including whether the patients who had these CTEs ever had covid, or other risk factors(lie 2). Without any exclusionary or comparative criteria of this sort it is not separating what is a “true” vaccine-related adverse event from just a general event.

  3. It makes zero sense to compare vaccines without any dose comparison(lie 3). Over 640 million doses of the covid-19 vaccine were given in the US. Whereas flu has about 150-200 million doses/year. Population receiving those doses is also different.

Given how the method starts with lies, whatever statistics they have are already useless. That’s 3 lies of omission just in the abstract without bothering with further detail.

All posting this does is spread disinformation and give them site views they don’t deserve

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