I am sure charging 13 year old with crime gonna teach them a lot of good lessons haha
Fucking clown society gets what it deserves.
I am sure charging 13 year old with crime gonna teach them a lot of good lessons haha
Fucking clown society gets what it deserves.
Mocking the peasants is one of the ruling elites' favourite thing to do!
They should do it more often, louder and more public.
Maybe these brain dead idiots will finally wake up.
I don't think you are old enough to understand what I said lol
Just scripts for pharma, drinking problems and mental health issues, what a small price to pay to make somebody else rich
Ain't life beautiful!
Indeed it can unless you are running a home lab which is never ending spending but at least you own it. Hehe
Using that corpo coined verbage is clown to start with. Piracy is a fundumantal online activity and right. It balances out stupid laws.
These clowns think they can use some shit IP laws to stop people from enjoying their own culture haha
Idiots sniffing their lawyers farts should learn how to run a bussiness.
when is it going to be worth a buy?
Criminal law also forbids killing whistleblowers....
Better people deserve the space more than subhuman locals!!!
Fuck I swear we already went through this before.
Does this include aosp keyboard too?