new kid in town:
i have not used NixOS yet, not sure how easy to setup it on Oracle OCI, but i guess you will do fine ;)
it works fine, depending on popularity of your instance - you might have to add more resources in the future.
as for aarch64 - there are docker images available for lemmy and lemmy-ui
One of the best strategies on the internet is to assume that everything will leak eventually and operate with that perspective in mind.
fantastic ;)
well probably you are right about the user error, but from the logs it seems that it cannot reach other instances - can you enter the shell of the container and check if you are able to ping/curl for example? and network isolation is a checkbox in portainer, according to docs.
for the federation itself i have also experienced it not working, when my nginx config was pointing wrongly to lemmy and lemmy-ui depending on the headers.
as i have said before - i can reach your instance from my lemmy, but don't receive anything back.
also pictrs: { url: "http://pictrs:8080/" # api_key: "API_KEY" }
about tls setting - don't remember why i have removed it, but federates fine. not sure about what you mean instance set to ALL.
what about network isolation in portainer? maybe it is on?
from the logs it seems that lemmy docker does not communicate with outside servers.
also i have a bit different config for lemmy.hjson
# for more info about the config, check out the documentation
setup: {
# username for the admin user
admin_username: "adminuser"
# password for the admin user
admin_password: "adminpassword"
# name of the site (can be changed later)
site_name: ""
opentelemetry_url: "http://otel:4317"
# the domain name of your instance (eg "")
hostname: ""
# address where lemmy should listen for incoming requests
bind: ""
# port where lemmy should listen for incoming requests
port: 8536
# settings related to the postgresql database
# address where pictrs is available
pictrs: {
url: "http://pictrs:8080/"
# api_key: "API_KEY"
database: {
# name of the postgres database for lemmy
database: "lemmy"
# username to connect to postgres
user: "lemmy"
# password to connect to postgres
password: "lemmy"
# host where postgres is running
host: "postgres"
# port where postgres can be accessed
port: 5432
# maximum number of active sql connections
pool_size: 5
# # optional: email sending configuration
email: {
# # hostname and port of the smtp server
smtp_server: "postfix:25"
smtp_from_address: "[email protected]"
tls_type: false
also check in admin interface if federation is enabled and you do not blacklist instances
( and maybe you can try to enable federation debug mode for awhile
you can have two nginx proxy instances, one as a front (serving other sites besides lemmy instance) and another - coupled with lemmy instance. in such case the first one can be configured minimally with basic proxy stuff to internal lemmy one, no need for this fancy lemmy and lemmy-ui proxying.
location /{
proxy_pass http://nginx-lemmy-docker:someport;
you can define it as environment variables in i.e mine contains these lines:
image: mwader/postfix-relay
- POSTFIX_inet_protocols=ipv4
- POSTFIX_smtp_sasl_auth_enable=yes
- POSTFIX_smtp_sasl_password_maps=static:smtp_username:smtp_password
- POSTFIX_smtp_tls_security_level=may
- POSTFIX_smtp_sasl_security_options=noanonymous
- POSTFIX_relayhost=sendgridsmtpserver:serverport
restart: "always"
you can find them on docker hub -