Cool stuff! Where are the cobra mounted skeletons from?
I used to check his videos when I was painting my Imperial Assault minis some years ago. Loved his examples
Great resource, thanks!
Good to know, thanks!
Do you know which if these are fun in local multiplayer/Splitscreen? Played unravel 2 and It Takes Two with my wife and am looking for more.
Thank you!
I've been lucky, found a cheap one nearby and got it, I like the pad a lot! It'll take some time to get used to the low position of the abyx buttons and the lacking second joycon, but once I get it I'm set.
Didn't get it to work with Bluetooth yet, guess I have to update the controller firmware, but it's fine with cable.
They arrived today and it's just plug n play, pretty cool! Got some from "McBazel" but I'm sure there are several.
Thanks for all the replies! Ordered two adapters and will post the result here :)
Great link, thanks! Seems to be pretty straightforward then.
Cool Mini, where is it from?