I don't see how the system would change unless people stop tipping, but as a foreigner I don't see it as my responsibility to change their system.
I bought an Internet connection and read from a computer magazine that I'm able to connect to an FTP server for downloading files. (I don't think I needed it for anything, I was just curious of the new technology.) I remember that when I connected to the server, it displayed instructions that one should use "cd x/y/z" to change to a subdirectory, instead of separate commands "cd x", "cd y", "cd z", to save network bandwidth.
When I did my military service (mandatory in Finland), we were living in tents for a week and the only way to poop was in a bushcraft toilet in the forest. I thought that's gross and tried to survive the camp without pooping. I think I did five days without pooping. The next night I woke up and had to run out of the tent and use whatever toilet there was.
How can I search for communities across servers that are particularly active on a given topic?
The thing I'm struggling the most with getting into Fediverse is that I have to create an account on a specific instance. I don't identify myself as part of a single community. I'm interested in several different topics and active in different communities. I guess it doesn't matter that much which instance I select, but somehow I have to select one instance.
I have almost always had good luck. Just one bad experience comes to my mind - my host in Germany was a psychopath. I didn't have any problems with her, in fact I hardly ever met her during a one week stay. But I forgot the heating on when I left. She got so pissed off that she left a long, insulting review, where she said shit about how we never got along. Airbnb refused to delete the review, so I deleted my account. By the way, I don't pay $200 for a night. I take the cheapest $20 room that I can find.
Anyway, I created a new Airbnb account. The nice thing is that I was able to use a referral link from my wife again to get the referral bonus. So by deleting and recreating my account, I actually made $50.