
joined 10 months ago
[–] sepulcher -3 points 10 months ago

If he didn't tape its mouth shut, shot it instead of hitting it, and took it home instead of showing it off, that would be okay. It wouldn't even make a news story.

You're just against hunting and trying to paint all hunters as demons. I pointed out that most hunters are not like this person, and your response is essentially "it doesn't matter."

You'd be taken more seriously if you admit you're biased.

[–] sepulcher -5 points 10 months ago

The sky is blue.

[–] sepulcher -3 points 10 months ago (2 children)

That doesn't answer my question.

[–] sepulcher -3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Yeah. I've noticed the most boring people tend to have the most valuable things to say.

It's those who oversensationalize things that are trying to take you for a ride.

[–] sepulcher -1 points 10 months ago

A certain group of people tends to believe in this stuff more than others.

[–] sepulcher -1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

There's nothing really wrong with telegram.

It's just social media for people who aren't indoctrinated by the west.

[–] sepulcher -5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

If American really cared about security, they would use free software.

[–] sepulcher 0 points 10 months ago

You specifically left out the “a science” part, which is also part of the “kids’” definition for eugenics in your source.

eugenics noun eu·​gen·​ics yu̇-ˈjen-iks : a science that deals with the improvement of inherited qualities of a race or breed and especially of human beings

Removing the “a” from the beginning completely changes the meaning of the word, which is why you did it.


[–] sepulcher -1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

You specifically left out the "a science" part, which is also part of the "kids'" definition for eugenics.

eugenics noun eu·​gen·​ics yu̇-ˈjen-iks : a science that deals with the improvement of inherited qualities of a race or breed and especially of human beings

Removing the "a" from the beginning completely changes the meaning of the word, which is why you did it.


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