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[–] sepulcher 2 points 10 months ago (7 children)

Why would I condemn Hamas? They're not doing anything that Israel hasn't already done to them first.

[–] sepulcher -1 points 10 months ago
[–] sepulcher -3 points 10 months ago (1 children)

You're right.

Laws are pointless and have no effect.

My bad.

[–] sepulcher -4 points 10 months ago
[–] sepulcher -3 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Great. It's also not a scenario where a rational person would think they're fake cops.

So we can debunk the notion that he was acting in self-defense because he didn't know they were cops. He'd rather take his chances in a shootout than the guarantee of prison and the cops were justified in killing him.

It's funny watching your rhetoric defeat itself.

[–] sepulcher -5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

If they don’t have a duty to protect then they’re just a well funded gang and they should be disbanded

Not really. If police departments just sit around and do nothing, then the communities funding them would (hopefully) do something different after enough crime goes unpunished. This isn't a guarantee, but is typically what happens in Western societies.

We've already experienced life without cops. It was called CHAZ and it wasn't long before the upstanding citizens inhabiting it started murdering each other over petty things like respect and material goods.

Like it or not, without cops real criminals would have their way with you. This is because you can't fight and you don't own guns. That means anyone who can fight or has a gun can take what they want from you because you can't defend yourself. All the mental health care in the world won't stop them or protect you.

It's a pretty simple concept, but reality tends to get warped if you just believe whatever is upvoted on these forums.

[–] sepulcher 8 points 10 months ago (11 children)

Absolutely. We've all heard the "jews control the media" rhetoric from 4chan.

I'm pointing out that there is definitely some truth to Zionists controlling the media, as we see everyday with people losing jobs and facing censorship for support of Palestine.

I think it's in the best interests of Jews to distance themselves from Zionists as much as possible.

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