Yeah I'm just in the process of moving to Evolution from TBird on my desktops for this reason. Not sure what to use now Moz bought K9
joined 1 year ago
And Cult of the dead cow...
I didn't get the fax either, maybe it went to my pager
I see GenX didn't answer. Typical slackers
Not quite how I read it but I'm happy you've taught me something about African metallurgy and history
That article states that there were Bronze Age developments across Africa. So I still don't see what that meme is suggesting beyond some sort of crude attempt too paint Africa as not having the same historical developments as the rest of the world. Or maybe I'm reading it wrong?!
I'm not 100% sure that isn't some Euro-centric BS going on there!
This is informative for those that care:
Awesome. I'll take a look, thanks