Sure, go ahead :)
I have a Kobo Libre and with KoboCloud[1] it syncs automatically with Nextcloud and other cloud providers. It’s awesome.
I'll add it as soon as my data export from Garmin is done processing. I had three alternatives for the route when I left Malmo, but ended up making the next day's route day-to-day basically. It was easier that way, given changes in weather, amount of food etc.
You’re very welcome! As for traveling by bike I just finished a ride from the top of Sweden to the bottom and except for a used up tire, I didn’t have a single mechanical problem. So as long as you make sure to start your trip with a well serviced bike you rarely risk anything, I’d say.
Of course that depends on where you are going though - I wouldn’t go out on a three month trip in the deepest of Alaska without a good set of redundant gear, but traveling in Europe is no problem at all.
These are the ones I'm subscribed to right now:
...and [email protected] of course.
As for finding communities, I've been using :)
Hacker news is based on an old version of Reddit. It's a great community for tech & programming news.
Thanks! Yeah I really enjoyed Dark Matter :)
I have a Kobo ereader at my bedside table and read almost every night in order to fall asleep, so when I dread picking that up I know I either have to double down and finish the book or drop it. So far it has only happened once in recent years. That time it was Salvation by Peter F Hamilton, a hefty chunk of a book. If it’s a novella I generally try to read more often just to finish it.
Ah no this is the outcome, ie. what I actually rode. The planned route was adapted along the way, yes