I think there are studies looking into exactly this, it’s worth looking for
So, your second paragraph is interesting because I/my family have lived that experience; as an autistic person and as someone whose grandfather fled their country as a refugee due to a communist uprising
Autistic people were actually the very first group of people to be holocausted by the nazis, several years before Jewish people
Does that give me more right or credibility to share these ideas? should it?
I don’t think it’s made a difference in this case either, if we’re comparing it to other individuals who have made this point and the effects on foreign policy
Genuine Q: isn’t saying this should have come from a Jewish person a form of tribalism itself?
I’m of the opinion that critical thinking (like this piece) can be achieved by any person from any background, and we all should be engaging with the ideas that come up (and their merit, or lack thereof) rather than anything else if we’re interested in moving forward in a way that is equitable for all
IMO It seems a dangerous thing to be gatekeeping ideas from certain groups of people
I was under the impression they mentioned at some point torrenting things