You realize the office of the US President is involved in important things in the world
Such as maintaining the safety and full functioning of the United States of America? Yes, you're completely correct. That's exactly why this needs to happen.
You realize the office of the US President is involved in important things in the world
Such as maintaining the safety and full functioning of the United States of America? Yes, you're completely correct. That's exactly why this needs to happen.
Seriously, this is a valid point. Introverts, please at least try to have more than a single friend. It's hard, I know, I'm one of you. But I've also been someone else's only friend and sometimes you just can't be there when they need you. It doesn't mean they love you any less but each person is the main character of their own story, not yours, and sometimes you can't be the focus of today's chapter. Having more than one person you can lean on will be better for you and better for each of those friends and it'll help you keep friends longer.
While I definitely agree with this and encourage it, most often this happens at work. I got shit to do, I don't have the time to debate politics with a random customer. Sometimes I'd love to, and some rare times I actually get to have a good long conversation with someone like that, but 99% of the time I really want you to just shut up so I can keep it moving. No matter how much I want to tell someone that Game of Thrones was a genuinely good show for 80% of its runtime, or that Joe Biden isn't the literal devil.
I was like three steps removed from being able to evolve my Kadabra. I think I met one kid ever who had a link cable.
Oh don't worry, I'm absolutely certain it will return with a new host. Just because Jones isn't allowed on it anymore doesn't mean they have to throw out the entire propaganda outlet. Like you said, it's too valuable, and him making money by liquidating/selling it means that someone, somewhere, is buying it.
If every time someone is born, they die, then wouldn't that mean that life is inherently worthless?
But those same rich fucks will shit a cinderblock if you try to have a second job and aren't focusing 130% of your life energy into their job.
I believe wholeheartedly that we'll have all our shit straightened out in about 3 generations or so, or at least we will have new problems different than our current ones. Assuming we survive the climate catastrophe that is.
But the next 100-200 years are about to be real fucking bad for a lot of people.
Which you clearly know, because you're a 17 year old girl, right? If not, please do explain in detail how you know so much about the sexual habits of teenage girls. Go on, we're listening.
Possibly all of the above. If I were in her shoes I'd have probably taken the deal as well. Guaranteed all-expenses scholarship in your chosen field, followed afterward by a train of effectively infinite money coupled with political power? And in return she just has to give this old man the occasional shag? It's honestly not a bad deal.
Make no mistake though, she is a victim here. Even if she may have profited off it the fact remains that she was groomed by a middle aged man while in high school and was extremely likely coerced into this relationship, either by offers or by threats or most likely some combination of both. A Faustian deal was struck here, where the opportunity for a regular loving family was given up in exchange for power, but it's not clear to me how much choice was given to her in this deal.
Necessity is the mother of invention, and all that.
"Realistic goals" at this point have simply become to move away from America until it goes the way of the Roman Empire, then come back to rebuild the ashes.