He does deserve empathy. That means he deserves a speedy trial, no torture, reasonable accommodations, a sentence that fits his crimes and is not primarily punitive, minimally restrictive confinement, a break every few hours from mandatory labor (building public transit, for example), and a non life sentence.
Why did I think this site was gonna be better than reddit? Yikes.
Who did the unnecessary censorship?
How would this help house homeless people?
Which other site? Twitter?
That’s so funny that millennials cringe at zoomers, because I have always found millennials to be infinitely more cringe than zoomers have ever been.
Just wanted to make sure you knew at least one person who doesn’t deserve to be publicly executed for stupidity recognized your comment for what it is.
I’d rather highlight TripTiks than listen to your bullshit.
There’s a little baby Tacoma in my garage and I want it so bad! My favorite truck.
This is exactly right. I don’t think AOC has compromised as much as we think she has, but the institutional power is very real. I remember what things were like in 2016 too. They fought against Bernie’s influence at every step, and colluded to get their favorite candidate elected.
All we have to do is look at the most recent Third Way strategy document to understand. The right wing Democrats (“centrists”) would rather lose to Donald Trump with Harris than win with Sanders or any halfway progressive. It’s just a huge obstacle and if we do try to fix the party, we need to dislodge ALL of the entrenched right wing elements.
Pretty soon we won’t be able to trust BLS data, which is frightening.
I almost always do double cook time and 50% power.