The utter ludicrousness of the fact that we haven't got a Joss Whedon Battletech show yet is thrown into sharp relief by your work here. Definitely has a "lived in, possibly by cattle at some point" vibe. Very nice!
Cops being corrupt, huge surprise there. Glad they're going down for once, though.
It's a fair question, but you're probably getting downvoted because you "feel like people are really throwing that term around a lot and it’s kind of concerning". People are throwing the term around a lot because of all the fascism, and the fact that you find the term more concerning than the actual fascism is a bad look.
I considered recommending Angel Beats but, uh, I found it pretty depressing.
Oh, man, totally forgot Nozaki-kun. It's especially good because it's a rom-com that spends most of its time deconstructing rom-coms!
Some other recent, "non-standard", romantic comedies that might appeal:
- Komi-san Can't Communicate
- Tomo-chan Is A Girl!
- Teasing Master Takagi-san
- The Dangers In My Heart
- Loving Yamada at Lv999!
- Kimi ni Todoke
If the "messed-up magical contract" setting is what she likes, check out:
- Magical Girl "Oré"
- Madoka Magica
- Revolutionary Girl Utena
Toradora is quite good but I recall it being more serious. Some others like that:
- His and Her Circumstances
- Horimiya
- The Ancient Magus's Bride
- Insomniacs After School
As an aside, if you haven't seen it already, Heavenly Delusion is just a fantastic show that everyone should check out, inventive and gorgeous.
Right now, the big one weighing on my mind is Satisfactory. I've gotten to the point that it's more likely that they finish developing the game than that I finish developing nuclear power in it -_-;
That is a gorgeous... Rifleman? II? Torso attached to Longbow legs? The world may never know! :)
There are a lot of really sweet rom-coms out recently:
- Komi-san Can't Communicate
- Teasing Master Takagi-san
- The Dangers In My Heart (stick with it through the abrupt tone change early on)
- Kimi ni Todoke
Also some terrific SF stuff:
- Heavenly Delusion
- Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
- Psycho-PASS
Some great action shows:
- My Hero Academia
- Demon Slayer
- Fuuto PI
- Akiba Maid Wars
And less recent but still amazing:
- Violet Evergarden
- Carole and Tuesday
- Madoka Magica
Ironic, since they're definitely going to make Plan B illegal too.
"So I Married An Axe Murderer." If you have the means, I highly recommend watching it!
I'm afraid your rhetorical question is unfathomably silly; can you rephrase it in the form of reasons why I wouldn't want Battletech to get the Firefly treatment?