Here in New Zealand renting is horrible compared to renting in Germany. You can't hang up anything, most places are cold and damp but still expensive. Then there are regular inspections that are quite invasive where an agent takes photos of the whole apartment or house. Germany is paradise compared to that.
That has been a rule for a long time, way before Erdoğan. When I was visiting Turkey as a child about 18 years ago, there were signs all over the airport saying that it's illegal to remove artifacts, stones, etc. from the country. The signs mentioned that the punishments can be high fines and even go up to imprisonment.
Sometimes reading helps...
Ehrlich gesagt nicht schade drum, die sind immer schlecht aufgefallen, weil sie versucht haben meiner Oma irgendwas aufzuschwatzen. Trotz wiederholter freundlicher Aufforderung, dass sie doch bitte nicht mehr anrufen und die Kataloge nicht mehr schicken sollen, klingelte (pun not intended) Omas Telefon zuverlässig und ein neuer Katalog lag auch regelmäßig im Briefkasten.
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