I mean, who did you think was going to be working for America's gestapo if not the worst of the worst?
The tests that Trump fails are some of the most consistent themes, repeated by Jesus and not contradicted (but rather reinforced) by other passages: pride, greed, selfishness, oppression of the poor and the needy, lying, adultery, rape – all of these are continuously, explicitly condemned by the Bible without any "mixed messages" there.
The only way to "interpret" the Bible as okay with those things is just to claim it doesn't mean exactly what it explicitly, repeatedly, directly says.
Like, without getting into the "let's debate contradictions" game, the claim that the Bible is too contradictory to identify that people like Trump aren't actually following Jesus's teachings is akin to saying "I blame the EPA guidelines: there are too many contradictions on where the blinkers get put or what the in-dash entertainment system is, so it leaves people to pick and choose what counts as an internal-combustion-engine vehicle." The core definition is pretty clear, even though the secondary features may vary — and claiming that there's no way you can apply the core definition because those secondary features vary is just epistemological surrender, rather than a fault in the core definition itself.
Yeah, there's a difference between "information that is not discussed because you'll get a visit from the cops" and "information that is not discussed because, though it's freely available, people don't care enough to learn it."
I mean, yes and no.
This is the same logic as "don't do that, Fetterman is very much a real liberal" – like, self-attested membership of a group that is defined by a core set of beliefs while also denying that core set of beliefs is not a reflection on that core set of beliefs.
To pick another example, "don't do that, the DPRK is very much a democratic republic" – and yet...
Yeah! Let's start with Fort Sumner!
Poor guy. I can't imagine what it's like to have people invade your privacy by sharing all your personal stuff with the internet.
I feel like "noo it wasn't a Nazi salute, or uh, it wasn't intentional" is more of a "right of center" response instead of a "center" response, and "Elon Musk just did a Nazi salute on live TV" is closer to center, but otherwise this seems accurate.
Maybe the Overton window has shifted so far right that I'm wrong about that, though.
My interactions with that user have led me to believe that they're less Marxist and more just pro-Xi. As Stalin demonstrated pretty clearly, there's a difference between being the dictator of a nominally-communist country (or a fanboy of said dictator) and being an actual Marxist.
Maybe running an OwnTracks server or something?
This has real "Twoflower's Luggage" vibes.
I mean, is "other people are having fun" really something that demands a resistance?
Or could you, perhaps, just not do it and not care whether that makes you "cool" or not?
It's like that bit from Community: "wear it because of them, don't wear it because of them — either way, it's for them."
Just be you, without having to have some sort of faux "resistance" to justify yourself.
Hogswatch is fantasy Hogmanay if you squint enough, for example.