
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If your porch light is annoying your neighbour then you need to fix the LIGHT (ie: its throw) so it doesn't shine (or reflect) into their windows before playing with any automation or remote controls

"Light Trespass" is a major issue and the kind of thing that local authorities (councils) tend to take seriously

A Google search on that term will underscore that message

ie: deal with the problem "at root cause" rather than trying to patch a poor setup by adding complexity

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

"Also, if it’s bothering your neighbor, you may want to revisit the fixtures you’re using"

THIS - big time

light trespass is a major issue and illegal in most jurisdictions worldwide. In the UK it's classified as a "statutory nuisance" and dealt with under the Environmental Protection Act 1990

OP needs to fix the throw of the light or risk his local authority (council) issuing an order which gets extremely expensive to ignore

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Data erasure procedures are built into the drive (and have been for decades). Search for "ATA erase howto"

Faffing around with "erasure utilities" is a waste of time and effort

ATA secure disk erase should change the pre existing encryption key and effectively wipe the drive beyond recovery in seconds

Even if the drive does it the long way, the command itself only takes a few seconds to issue, doesn't tie up tbe computer whilst the procedure is underway and is MORE effective than any kind of software wipe - particularly for any kind of shingled drive, where it's the only valid way of erasing a drive

Peter Guttman's famous recovery of data with an atomic force microscope was performed on stepper-motor based 5-10MB drives and has not been able to be replicated on 200MB ones let alone anything larger.

He issued a followup paper to the original stating that most "military grade overwrite" and other claims are simply voodoo/mumbo-jumbo on modern drives (2-10GB at the time he wrote it)

multiple overwrite procedures were created in the days of 10-12 inch platters and stepper motors without disk head tracking servos - for the simple reason that the military mindset usually wanted to blow old equipment up whilst technical staff wanted safer/cheaper/more effective methods which could be done before data left sensitive areas