If only there was something to do besides getting drunk. Or if only there was a way to stop drinking before you get hammered.
Car dependent infrastructure has very little to do with people making bad decisions. Getting drunk shouldn’t be a given.
I would hate to see your code if you think ChatGPT’s code works great. I’m guessing you’ve never asked it do anything complex.
It’s ok to admit that you don’t understand how the models were trained and that it in no way “screwed up”.
have you gone this many years and not learned how to apply spray sunscreen?
It is knowable. You just don’t know it.
This only shows things I’ve explicitly hidden.
I have never had the top layer curl in any print and monotonic infill looks almost like it is ironed, so I’m skeptical about your claim that you required hilbert curve for some reason. It seems more likely to me that something is wrong with your printer, but of course I give you the benefit of the doubt.
Yes, I agree people are allowed to do absolutely idiotic things without consequences.
Drinking is a personal choice. Getting drunk affects more than yourself.