Holy hell
Omg it never even occured to me that the Bengali flag looks kinda like the Japanese flag
TIL all events are instantaneous
Here's a recipe for Bengali rice pudding, like my spouse's family makes, if you're interested in trying it. If you can't get your hands on the particular rice for it she says calrose works (or, failing that, sushi rice).
You'll want to run it through a translator since the recipe is in Bengali but that's how you know it's legit
Well, it's your preference....
Oh interesting! We usually substitute basmati for jasmine rice bc we like the flavor better. Unless ofc it's a dessert of some kind.
True, probably why chopsticks never got popular in Bharat. But ofc there's always the desi way of eating - your hands 😁
Calrose is better than jasmine but it's no basmati
Ummmm, haven't you heard of this thing called "time"?
That's what makes it dank
That's true, but it still works imo