And if that whets your appetite, go and look up books and podcasts by David Harvey. He brings Marx to a 21st century audience
To be sure, Von Braun definitely was the director of the nazi rocket program. After the war however he was transferred to the US where he became the director of the US rocket program.
So TIL: Americans love nazis when they’re useful
…“, said the wealth-hoarding boomer.
He’s eminently qualified, because he’s the Orange Führers yes-man
The other way around: first the western empire fell (476 traditionally), much later the eastern empire (1453).
The mealymouthed NYT won’t say the words, so I will: concentration camps.
If by now you’re still on X, you’re actively part of the problem. No more excuses.
Great. Has it also removed American censorship and propaganda?
The banality of evil
Is it me or has it suddenly started raining planes lately?
Is that you, Diogenes?
This whole MAGA thing is one giant oedipus complex
And if that whets your appetite, go and look up books and podcasts by David Harvey. He brings Marx to a 21st century audience