How does such a plain question appear insincere? Especially when no one even addresses my second question? lmao
Just because deepfake technology exists doesn’t mean that that all video and audio recordings are immediately untrustworthy.
Are you sure? I only ask because you didn't really provide any kind of logic to justify this claim. If we can artificially generate anything we can imagine, how are we to distinguish what recordings are authentic vs artificially generated? I don't see a clear or easy solution to the dilemma, but am hoping others can shine light on the issue.
The problem with your demands, is that the second I did show you exactly what you are requesting, you would simply shrug away my evidence as inauthentic. "That's not a real left wing community" Isn't that the Leftist motto, "That wasn't real communism/socialism"
But this is also what I'm trying to convey about 4chan. Its merely an anonymous image board of stupidity for the large majority of its users. This makes it an easy target for sensitive individuals who refuse to do their own field research.