Do not ask about cracks or technical questions
So then what are you supposed to do on this Telegram channel?
So, these statistics apparently come from StatCounter, a web analytics company. I know that this is probably the best way of collecting usage metrics for the entire Internet, but I think this is less efficient for counting Linux users - after all, I would say that the proportion of Linux users who also use content blockers is pretty high. Even if it weren't the case, most distributions ship with Firefox pre-installed, which automatically blocks trackers out-of-the-box.
Also, wouldn't this also count an embedded device with a WebView as a "Linux user"? For example, smart TVs have a web browser, and typically identify themselves with a "Generic Linux" user-agent.
Awesome! And it also looks like search functionality has just been restored, so it's business as usual for now. I hope that the other instances get patched soon, though - is there any way of knowing what version an instance is running?
You're right that Fairphone's supply chain is not fully sustainable. In fact, I remember reading an interview with the founder where he admitted that poor sustainability and labour practices are so entrenched in the industry that it was impossible to actually make a "fair" Fairphone. (Incidentally, this is why the company uses the word "fair*[er]*" to describe the phones.)
Yeah, I would definitely agree that a used phone is a much more environmentally-friendly choice than a brand-new one. The amount of customers who are going to ditch their 1 or 2 year old phone for this "sustainable" phone will unfortunately not be zero...
I don't know... I get that rule 1 and 16 are just edgy humor, but I can't imagine what she's satirising in this message. What other crackers ask people to only call them 'Mother'?