If the LPC dropped Trudeau tomorrow I'd vote for the LPC.
Since he's still party leader, I'll be throwing my vote to anyone else that seems even marginally more competent than Trudeau and his top clowns in the LPC.
Extremism only serves to cement the position of those who you're directing your behaviour toward.
This is an issue of failed education, specifically history and philosophy, in my opinion.
It's called nuclear energy. It was discovered in 1932 and properly harnessed with an effective reactor that consumes both radioactive material and waste (CANDU) in 1950's/1960's and the newest CANDU reactors are some of the safest and most efficient energy generation in the world.
Pretending like there needs to be a larger investment into something like cold fusion in order to run these computers is incredibly dishonest or presenting a clear hole in education coverage. (The DoE should still work on researching cold fusion, but not because of this.)
I've picked xfce on basically every distro I've used and I've hopped through like 30 distro's.
You realize that instead of actually addressing anything that mattered in my statement you focused exclusively on an example that would not function from presentation?
Why do you think volunteer armies are superior to conscripted armies?
Can you read through what I wrote please.
Wow, something anyone with a brain noted 20 years ago is finally being acknowledged.
Yea, that's not happening.
Most of the incompetent morons in both the judicial sector and the lawmaking sector don't understand how a phone works or router functions let alone a grasp of the current eras technology and how it can be abused.
Serious public education with critical thinking at its core was the only way to combat this and it's way too late for that.
Sit back and enjoy the show, there's no going back now and we're all going to burn for the incredible amount of idiocy that has been allowed to fester.
takes lace gloves off
I feel extremely called out right now.
puts lace gloves back on
Women can take any role in any NATO military. The reality is that very few women who can pass the entrance qualifications wants to continue service when they can get more money and respect from any other job.
This isn't a 'women get disrespected in the military' note, this is an objective review that anyone who does service in the military is a number and is intentionally approached with minimal appreciation of their human rights and dignity because that can cause problems in the field (not to mention in most militaries, if not all, you sign away your rights as a person for training as a weapon). If the officer says 'take the hill and die' it's expected that you are to take the hill and die. It does NOT matter whether or not you do paperwork, drone work, or are a combat arms trade, your superiors have to keep you at arms length so they can sacrifice you easily should the need arise.
Any woman who can do even remotely well in the military can do any other job for vastly superior pay and far more control of their lives.
Unless you're going to push a neutral requirement for service of both sexes, no amount of bitching or complaining will ever increase the number of women in the military because they don't have to sacrifice their health and welfare for a paycheque anywhere near as hard, it's an option to them and not one they would willingly take when any other job that requires the same performance standard can pay more with better time and more respect than the military.
Pretending otherwise is intellectually dishonest or the position of someone who has never performed military service and likely never will.
It's not a male dominated occupation because men inherently prefer destroying their bodies and minds with overexposure to violence and extreme physical labour with one of the highest rates of injury and death just from the training alone, it's because it's a job easily accessible to middle or lower educated individuals that can provide an effective specialization and education that could be applied in a civilian setting.
A male and female with the same education and physical fitness standard have drastically different occupation opportunities at the mid to low end of the education spectrum, and women tend to have higher level opportunities across the board, specifically ones which do not destroy them.
This is the educated opinion of a woman who's done close to a decade of grunt service in the military and another decade in the military industrial complex.
The reason is the same as Abu Sayyaf, al Queda, ISIL and other terror organizations get their hands on US or western made weapons.
Arms dealers don't care about borders and exist specifically to spite those borders.