This chart's not wrong but I'd posit 'muslims' have been an easy go-to since 9/11.
You KNOW he's just going to respond "I've had bigger shits" and then cry about it in a closed room. If logic was ever going to work on these morons, it would've happened decades ago.
e. I feel like it's also important to note that there are dumb as fuck women who also believe this fucking nonsense and these laws would have far less efficacy if it didn't have their support (looking at all those ladies with (R) beside their name)
We could have a functioning cold fusion reactor tomorrow and it'll never see public use because the pieces of trash that run the oil industry still have an iron grip on all the politicians worldwide.
He's a great president whenever his brain is functioning, so at least 0.3% of his total tenure so far.
Somehow still a better pick than DJT. What a fucking world we live in. Fuck the democrat trash for fucking over all other potential nominee's in favour of the guy who's one stressful situation away from a fucking aneurysm.
Anyone that actually believes this shouldn't be allowed to continue breathing.
I'm done being nice about this.
Really? Name some.
If you reply 'economic sanctions' as if that has ever functioned at all in the way anyone actually intended for their use, you vastly require educating in this topic.
There’s no world where our demands are accepted at their word.
Legal challenge over what?
Selling arms? You mean our weapons being involved in no less than three genocides over the last decade hasn't been a problem but "this genocide is different"?
Globeandmail trash at it again. "It's only a problem when we can profit off of it"
It's almost like this should've been more thought out and the companies responsible should be paying for it. OH RIGHT, they own the unions, politicians, judges AND the regulators.
So the taxpayers lose regardless.
Unless each one of those "A's" stands for "ASS", I beg to differ.