I think I can spare the 55mb of ram my pihole container takes up
I'll have you know I'm an activist, every week I post "One Like = One Bullet For The Revolution" on my communist facebook group!!
Every browser is either chromium (open source captured by Google) or exists because of a Google search contract (this represents 80% of Mozilla's revenue), Google can't lose
Chrome really needs to be broken off from Google, the largest ad company owning the largest browser is clearly a huge conflict of interest
Seeing that half of my extensions (it was seriously like 10 of them) were going to be disabled is what pushed me to finally switch to Firefox because if I have to find alternatives to them it might as well be on another browser
Intersex people offer quite the conundrum for conservatives, who use "there's only two genders" as a purity test:
Either someone with a Y chromosome is a woman, or there are men that are capable of giving birth
My favorite thing to do with these people is to ask them "okay, would it be alright if these issues were decided on a per-county basis then?", if they say no they've outed themselves as just wanting to hold as much control over others as possible from a minority position, if they say yes ask again but with individual towns, if they say yes to that, then you narrow it down to individual people, then they tend to get mad when they realize what you've done
Russian tank -> Ukrainian scrap metal
Married Russian woman -> Widowed Lada owner
As the distance between two species widens, viable (ie, not sterile) offspring become rarer and rarer (although not impossible), so there would be a biological incentive not to "waste time" banging something that looks too different from yourself
It's extremely frightening but now that the rule of law is dead in America, I am forced to ask myself, what are my red lines? One person in this country has almost completely unchecked power, what would a criminal president have to do before I start condoning violence?
I'll keep that in mind for the next time I need to run a DNS server on a Pentium II system