Hello! My disk space was out of space left, so I decided to remove some snapper snapshot. snapper list
listed over 360 snapshots. I removed them, and freed 50Gb of space. One of these hasn't been deleted successfully:
Cannot delete snapshot 166 since it is the next to be mounted snapshot.
it's description is writable copy of #156
. How can I remove it? should I do it using btrfs subvolume delete
here's the output of sudo btrfs subvolume list -t /
ID gen top level path
--------- ----
256 178487 5 timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-09-18_18-25-33/@
257 341688 5 @home
258 341680 5 @cache
259 341688 5 @log
260 26 256 timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-09-18_18-25-33/@/var/lib/portables
261 27 256 timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-09-18_18-25-33/@/var/lib/machines
708 341688 5 @
710 341680 708 .snapshots
2781 178991 5 timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2024-05-07_12-20-43/@
2968 326034 710 .snapshots/166/snapshot
2969 341679 710 .snapshots/167/snapshot
all those timeshift subvolumes are there because before snapper, I used to use timeshift. I tried to remove them:
sudo btrfs subvolume delete timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-09-18_18-25-33/@/var/lib/machines
ERROR: Could not statfs: No such file or directory
If I understand correctly, it means that I should give an actual "system" path instead of the path in the table, but I don't understand which path
thanks in advance to everyone!
Yes, it's like a common "protocol". Probably huge music apps like youtube and spotify would never adopt such a thing unless it become really really widespread among other platforms, but just being able to share them across FOSS music players would be amazing imo