
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yes, it's like a common "protocol". Probably huge music apps like youtube and spotify would never adopt such a thing unless it become really really widespread among other platforms, but just being able to share them across FOSS music players would be amazing imo

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

It's actually very very cool, the closest to what I imagined. Yeah sadly it doesn't seem to be FOSS

The main difference with my "idea" is that this one creates a copy of the playlist on each service, so if you want to share it you need to know which player the other person is going to use, or just send him all the links. My idea instead has just a single playlist, accessible with API that can be used by every music player

thanks for sharing this!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Yeah something similar to this, with API to access it from any music player app! The features that would make it really appealing (imo) would be:

  • share playlists with friends using different music players
  • cooperative playlists: give edit permission to other users (chosen by you), so that you can create playlists with your friends
  • search playlist: search "rock music" and get all public playlists that matches your search, perhaps even with tags
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

How about you make up the structure and we all adopt it?

I would like to have the capabilities and the time to do this XD

I think that the best possiblity for something like this would be that a already popular music player created this alongside the player, and already adopted it, allowing sharing playlists with users on the same app. This way, all other music players would have the possibility to adopt it themselves in order to be able to share the playlists with users on their app and on the original music player, and so on

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The problem with services like Funkwhale and Navidrome or similar services is that you need a music library on the server, and the players can only play music from there. What I have in mind instead is a way to sync playlists (without caring from where the song is being streamed, may it be youtube, spotify, Funkwhale, Jellyfin, local library...) between different clients

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

something like this, yes. It was better if it wasn't centralized perhaps, but if that wouldn't be feasible then something like ListenBrainz with the ability to add playlist to your account and sync them with a simple API would work

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

You could simply export and import playlist with a file that can be shared

This is something that has to be done manually. What I have in mind is a platform where I can have a playlist on my music player app, that I update everyday I discover new music, and I want to be able to send a link to you so that you can listen to my playlist in real time, without having to export and then import manually. Also, I would like to be able to have "cooperative playlists" like Spotify has: everyone I give access to my playlist can add songs to it (I do this with my friends, we use it to discover new music)

I said federated because otherwise it would only work between close friends that can create an account on my server, and it means that I wouldn't be able to share it with anyone outside my friend group. Otherwise it has to be a centralized service I guess

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

If I understood correctly these are one-shot services: I have a spotify playlist and want to convert it to a YouTube playlist. Instead what I have in mind is a way to sync a playlist "player agnostic", so that it can be viewed by any music player supporting the API

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I already looked into Navidrome, but as far as I understand you have to keep a music library on the server, and then you can stream from there.

What I was thinking instead was just a playlist sync server: the music player apps will still play music from they were playing before, so some from local files, some from YouTube, some from Navidrome ecc, but the playlists are synced on this served and can be exchanged with other users that use different players


Hello! I was looking for alternatives for Spotify to listen to music and create and share playlists with friends, and found a huge amount of players, both local and streaming, but none of them offered a reliable way to share playlists with friends. So here me out: what if there were a federated, self hostable platform where you can create an account, that provides an API that all the million music app can integrate easily in order to synchronize and share them also with people that uses other apps? Do you think it would work? I believe that if something like this would widespread, huge music companies like Spotify and Youtube wouldn't implement such a thing, but that perhaps would be also a way to "disincentivize" people from using those services!

"Hi friends Me on musicapp1 and Fred on musicapp2 created this cool playlist, hear it out!!"

"Sorry I pay 12$/month for Spotify, I cannot see it"

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

THANK YOU! The grep command you posted showed me that that UUID was still present in /etc/kernel/cmdline as


I changed it with the new one and run sudo reinstall-kernels, and now it works correctly! thank you very much for your help!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)
A start job is running for /dev/disk/by-uuid/8c53812d-ba43-45e4-b219-8d3ded8548a5

it's really strange, I just noticed that it's the UUID of... the original swap partition (now gone) the entry is still commented in /etc/fstab:

# UUID=8c53812d-ba43-45e4-b219-8d3ded8548a5 swap             swap    defaults   0 0

is there another place other than /etc/fstab where I should remove it?

thanks for the help!

EDIT: this is the whole output of sudo blkid if needed:

/dev/nvme0n1p3: LABEL="swap" UUID="506d48e6-1cc0-4136-ba55-6f2f187bcdb1" TYPE="swap" PARTLABEL="SWAP" PARTUUID="b4543e4e-4623-4317-99aa-086b0e62836e"
/dev/nvme0n1p1: UUID="467B-65A4" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="53413c1b-04f0-42cf-bd71-15e2796f002a"
/dev/nvme0n1p2: LABEL="endeavouros" UUID="cf0a3420-51e0-40ba-8b86-ae2cc576e5c1" UUID_SUB="faa47171-fc00-4435-8c8f-0b346682071d" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="btrfs" PARTLABEL="endeavouros" PARTUUID="dc12b835-18f9-4937-8a58-07b2600012e9"
/dev/sda2: PARTLABEL="Microsoft reserved partition" PARTUUID="d076884c-6236-4e0a-be36-47df3e28d7a3"
/dev/sda3: LABEL="STORAGE" UUID="6EFB-D6EF" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="exfat" PARTUUID="381ea0c9-7fdd-4a74-a92e-5b450f2001db"
/dev/sda1: LABEL="WINZOZZ" BLOCK_SIZE="512" UUID="7FC0A0D067B4D0F8" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="e4d431c8-06e8-4fac-93e9-342026cc4ff1"
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello everybody! here's the problem: In my EndeavourOS laptop I had a /swapfile, but couldn't take snapshots with snapper because of it (if I understood correctly). So, I created a 16Gb swap partition using GParted from a live USB. Then, I edited /etc/fstab to remove the line about the swapfile and to add the newly created swap partition:

UUID=506d48e6-1cc0-4136-ba55-6f2f187bcdb1   swap           swap    defaults   0 0
# /swapfile                                   none           swap    sw         0 0

I took the UUID from

$ sudo blkid  
/dev/nvme0n1p3: LABEL="swap" UUID="506d48e6-1cc0-4136-ba55-6f2f187bcdb1" TYPE="swap" PARTLABEL="SWAP" PARTUUID="b4543e4e-4623-4317-99aa-086b0e62836e"

if I run sudo swapon -a it gets enabled correctly and it all works fine. The problem however is that when I reboot the machine, it gets stuck in the systemd screen saying "a job is running for /dev/disk/etc..." forever, and the only way I have to log in is to boot from a live USB, modify /efi/loader/entries/somethingverylong.conf to add these kernel options:

systemd.swap=0 noresume

and then reboot, and manually enable the swap.

I'm not understanding very well what's happening here. why is the system stuck if I don't add these parameters? how can I solve it?

thanks in advance!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

thanks for the reply! many services allows this by setting an environmental variable or through a config file, but sadly not all of them


Hello everybody! I have the following issue: I have two countainers, let's call them C1 and C2, and they both expose the same port, let's say 1234. I want to route both of them through a gluetun container. to do this, I added

network_mode: container:gluetun

at each container. But they both expose the same port, so there's a conflict. Without routing them though gluetun I can just

  - 1235:1234

but using network_mode this cannot be done. What can I do? The only thing that comes to my mind is to use two gluetun containers, but I'd rather use a single one

thanks in advance!


Hello! My girlfriend bought a new pc, an HP pavilion x360 with the touchscreen, and asked me to install her kubuntu as in her previous non-tablet pc, and so I did. It works very well, except for the fact that I tried really hard without success to setup a virtual keyboard. fcitx5 was already installed, but I couldn't find a way to use it as virtual keyboard, and apparently it does not bundle a UI. i then installed maliit (the one that I use on my EndeavourOS 2in1 laptop flawlessly) but it seems to have a strange bug where it only works once, then after you close it it will never pop up again. I tried the workaround suggested here but it works once every 4 tries and the keyboard pops up but is unable to write anything.

Has anyone achieved to install a virtual keyboard on Kubuntu 24.04? I'd rather not switch to X11 because except for the keyboard, the touch support is way better under wayland

thanks in advance to anyone!


Hello! on my home server I currently have jellyfin+arr suite installed, but I have often problems finding downloads, probably because of the torrent indexers I have access to. Because of this, I often find myself watching content on streaming websites because it has not been downloaded on the server.

So I started to consider replacing jellyfin with stremio. I'd like, if possible, to self host it with docker. I tried to follow the instructions here, but I'm a bit confused: if I go to myserver:12470, it says "the connection was reset by the server", while if I go to myserver:11470 I'm just redirected to https://app.strem.io/shell-v4.4/?streamingServer=<myserverhere>.

am I doing something wrong? I can't find any guide or similar on how to self host it, so I guess it's not something supported, but if it's the case then what's the point of the docker image? I'd like to be independent on the stremio server, it's the point of self-hosting it

thanks in advance fellow sailors!


Hello! My girlfriend's HP laptop running kubuntu 24.04 has this problem: when it's turned off (either from the GUI or poweroff) it discharges overnight, from 100% to 0% in a few days.

I searched the web to look for fixes:

  • wake on lan is disabled in the BIOS
  • USB ports have no settings in the bios, but there's nothing connected to them anyway
  • the system is actually powered off, not sleeping (at least if poweroff actually works)
  • everything, firmware included, is up to date

She doesn't remember having this problem from the beginning, but cannot tell when this started occurring

Did any of you ever encounter this problem? I don't know what else to do, and it's quite annoying.

Thank you for your time!


Hello! I have jellyfin+qbittorrent+radarr on my home server, but I can't make it work with hardlinks. When a download finishes, it just copies it to the /movie folder, doubling the disk space. at least, I think that it's just a copy, because the disk space is double and find ./downloads -samefile ./movies/path/to/file.mkv returns no result, meaning if I understand correctly that file.mkv is not hardlinked to any file in the download folder (but it should).

this is the docker compose:

    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/radarr:latest
    container_name: radarr
    network_mode: container:gluetun
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Europe/Rome
      - ./radarr-config:/config
      - /media/HDD1/movies:/movies
      - /media/HDD1/downloads:/downloads
    restart: unless-stopped

HDD1 hard drive is formatted ext4, that supports hardlinks (in fact I can create them manually), and in the radarr settings the checkbox "use hardlinks instead of copy" is checked.

Ideally I'd prefer softlinks instead of hadlinks, but I don't think there's a way to do it natively, I think I'd need an external script

Any tips? Thanks in advance!


Hello! I was wondering if running periodically a script to automatically pull new images for all my containers is a good or a bad idea. I'd run it everyday at 5.00AM to avoid interruptions. Any tips?

EDIT: Thanks to everyone for the help! I'll install Watchtower to manage the updates


Hello! My disk space was out of space left, so I decided to remove some snapper snapshot. snapper list listed over 360 snapshots. I removed them, and freed 50Gb of space. One of these hasn't been deleted successfully:

Cannot delete snapshot 166 since it is the next to be mounted snapshot.

it's description is writable copy of #156. How can I remove it? should I do it using btrfs subvolume delete?

here's the output of sudo btrfs subvolume list -t /:

ID      gen     top level       path
    ---------       ----
256     178487  5               timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-09-18_18-25-33/@
257     341688  5               @home
258     341680  5               @cache
259     341688  5               @log
260     26      256             timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-09-18_18-25-33/@/var/lib/portables
261     27      256             timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-09-18_18-25-33/@/var/lib/machines
708     341688  5               @
710     341680  708             .snapshots
2781    178991  5               timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2024-05-07_12-20-43/@
2968    326034  710             .snapshots/166/snapshot
2969    341679  710             .snapshots/167/snapshot

all those timeshift subvolumes are there because before snapper, I used to use timeshift. I tried to remove them:

sudo btrfs subvolume delete timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-09-18_18-25-33/@/var/lib/machines    
ERROR: Could not statfs: No such file or directory

If I understand correctly, it means that I should give an actual "system" path instead of the path in the table, but I don't understand which path

thanks in advance to everyone!


Hello! I have a problem: sometimes I instinctively refer to a movie by the English name (for example, Star Wars), but if I search for it in jellyfin it is not found, as the italian translated name is "Guerre Stellari". I'd like to be able to search for it with both the original name and the translated name. The original name is present in the metadata, it just isn't used as a search parameter. Is there a way?

EDIT: I understood the problem: i'm stupid

Star wars episode IV had both the translated and the original title, and was correctly find when searching "star wars", but episode V and VI didn't have the string "star wars" in the original title! and this is why jellyfin didn't find them. I edited the metadata and added it, now it works perfectly. Thanks to everyone!


Hello guys! sometimes I watch movies with friends over jitsi meet, and in order to share just a single window with just its own audio I use chromium, that has the "share tab" option. However, I'd like a more general solution (I cannot play mkv files on browser, for example). I'd like a compact way that creates a virtual device sharing the window (even if the window gets minimized or hidden behind other windows!) and its audio, without the audio of all other windows (I don't want my notification sounds to be shared too). a quick online search gave me only "complex" answers, that I'll try only if a more convenient way is not available.

[I'm running EndeavourOS KDE Wayland]

Thank to everyone in advance!

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello fellow selfhosters! I have a laptop and a tablet (both running endeavourOS), and I want a certain folder to be always in sync. I also have a very potato server.
My two options currently are Nextcloud and Syncthing. The laptop and the tablet are rarely online at the same time, so I need the server as middleman (so, no syncthing laptop <-> tablet, but laptop <-> server <-> tablet).

Which one do you recommend? The power consumption (of the client) is also very important, because both the laptop and the tablet are battery-powered

I'm also open to other options as well!

thanks in advance to everyone!

Edit: thanks to everyone for your precious help! I finally set up syncthing and it's working flawlessly!

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