You aren't the daily telegraph
You don't get to care about it selectively only after it harms your favourite team
What paper is this from? Bet it's the fucking daily telegraph.
Election system is absolutely fine and has been for years until reform eats dirt, then suddenly it's in dire need of reform.
Snakes wriggle around desperately on their bellies all the time it fits perfectly
F22 is dumb. Literally all you have to do to detect it is be shot out of the sky by it.
Ngad gets warp capabilities written into its spec sheet
being the only choices is a symptom of democracy is so foreign to you
Given that the overarching question here is "is biden really the best candidate?", and that ranked choice voting would immediately fix that issue while retaining democracy, yes i feel fairly confident that the current situation is one brought on by an imperfect implementation of democracy.
But again, this is just more bad faith whining so goodbye.
If you ignore the fact that trump wouldn't be running if he hadn't lost the popular vote in 2016 and still won, sure.
This started as you deriding the US's system as an oligarchy, but now when pressed it's your ideal democracy? What are you doing, friend? Are you okay?
What parts of the system that make it bad are anti-democratic elements - which are not particularly relevant in whether my choice should be Biden or Trump.
Or in other words, the system you're in is flawed but you're working within the constraints of those flaws to get the best outcome you can find.
Making the best of a bad system
The US is only in this predicament because the system it has currently allowed a candidate who lost the popular vote in 2016 to get into an office that had enough power to meaningfully damage the country.
However it's clear from your repeated and deliberate attempts to reframe criticism of that system as an attack on the very concept of democracy itself that you aren't arguing in good faith here.
You think the US's implementation of democracy that forces you to pick the least bad between two candidates you don't like is
- A good system
- The only implementation of a democracy
And that's without getting started on the electoral college.
That's literally "making the best of a bad system"
You don't like the choice you're making, but you're picking what you perceive as the "least bad".
A distributed pseudonymous ledger for use by a centralised authority that will hold sensitive, personal information.
I think the paper was right.