Which apps does she use on macOS? I hope she doesn't use OmniGraffle.
What does she use on her home computer?
Is she using anything besides a web browser?
The last OS that I used without an Internet connection was Slackware.
I saw Ubuntu in Spanish TV programs from Netflix. Now many schools and universities use Google products, which may be worse than before. So many teachers switched to Google Sheet, etc. They can switch to any OS if it runs Chrome.
I'm using GNU Emacs, which is, from my experience, great for open source software and decentralized development. Last year, I found an issue in a package/extension, I could make an experiment by modifying and running its code on the fly. I didn't even need to reload the whole package/extension. So I figured the solution out and submitted a pull request quickly.
Ubisoft uses Tezos, which is not energy-hungry, so they may have other reasons to hate.
What is the motivation?
Wow, I love Flatpak. I've already used OBS from Flatpak for a while.
AFAIK an average person uses MS Word and MS Excel at work. So GNU/Linux desktop may need to wait until people switch to Google Docs, which can be worse lock-in, but at least, it works on a GNU/Linux desktop.
Running my own server is dangerous while I still live in Thailand, otherwise censorship will be very strict.
I guess they are going to use Facebook, Google Meet, LINE, a word processor, and a spreadsheet.