Arch Linux for my primary server. Raspbian for my SBCs.
Copies of websites that I find particularly interesting or enjoyable (Anders' Mage Page, Source code that's gotten scarce or might in the future (e.g., yt-dlp, Ultrix V4.2 for VAXen) or is just interesting (Apple Lisa ROMs). Dumps of some Yahoo Groups I used to be on back in the day. News footage that tends to be difficult to find or might not get aired. A couple of text file CD-ROMs that I never managed to get hold of back in the day (e.g., Blackphiles Collection). Data dumps from some services I used to use (Twitter, Librarything). Datasets that I mess around with (Stop the Steal leak, covid-19 data). Stuff that just strikes me as odd or interesting (titor-special_torrent/).
SSH to shell in. vi to edit text.
Digital Ocean has basic virtual machines for $4us per month: 512 megs of RAM, 1 CPU, 10 gigs of storage.
I use Wallabag for storing things to read later. Unfortunately, once the database grows past a certain point it's not really feasible to use the mobile app anymore.